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Lovely Morning No5 A New Year

  • 946 replies
  • 49 subscribers


Not sure where the other one has gone.

Way things are going, this may be my last one, doing a thread, and some one else can do it,

  • Yes Morton is nice 3 months long time since we have seen each other, its the waiting on him, i am not used tolol

    Like he is a teenager again not 51 lol xxx

  • Hi Pet, Well, 26 is too hot for me and we have started to get days above 0 now, so Spring is coming!!

    Like Morton, I hate the dark nights, so now that we have passed the shortest day, I feel a bit happier.

    Oh, did I mention we are going back to Spain 11/2 for the first time in 3 years, it will be around 15-20 degrees which is ideal for me. On Christmas Day our son told me his wife, him and our grandson(8) are coming too, they are staying in the same Hotel but are only coming for two weeks, because of school. The week we leave school has 3 days off for February mid term, so he won't miss too much and his teacher said he will catch up easily So that was a nice surprise!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Davef I hope the party went well! 

    Hi Ellie, I'm sure you are loving spoiling your son and waiting on him hand and foot! That's what we mum's do. I hope it won't be as long until the next time you see him!

    Now Morton, Spill the beans!! Why is Davef paying for your holiday and not mine! A bit of favouritism I expect!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette, managed to get the notifications sorted out, turned out that somehow the email address I use for the community had for some reason blocked the emails from the community. I did a little digging around, found that only since the 1st of January the site email address had been placed in my spam folder so I unblocked the 16 emails concerned and all's fine now

    Hope you enjoy your break in Spain, maybe a couple of other members of the family may join you. It says something that your family are wanting to be with you, you should feel so proud of your incredibly strong family unit. Well done you and Vince. 

    Next year Mrs Tvman is retiring at the end of the school year, it's a year early because she wants to spend some time together in case my life gets cut short and she'll have memories. You could have knocked me down with a feather when I heard her say that to my financial advisor who was arranging my personal pension to begin. We'll be able to head off somewhere in term time and we'll be looking forward to visiting our daughter in Cambridgeshire and our son in Aberdeen.

    Then I received a letter from the PIP people renewing my award for at least 10 years. Seems all good.

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Tvman, That does sound a great start to the New Year. I hope the good news keeps coming for you! Now do you mean Mrs T is retiring at the end of term 2024 or at the end of this year! Either one is terrific. The difference in the price of holidays off term and during the term is ridiculous. You will find out for yourselves in due course. I'm sure you will be buying a Disabled Rail card too, assuming things are running smooth again!

    My PIP Award was also for 10 years, I thought it was a mistake! It doesn't run out until 2027!

    Our daughter and family will not be joining us in Spain this year, although prior to Covid they did. The reason is that Leah is older and will be moving to High School in the summer of 2024, so as they do a lot more work Primary 6&7, it is understandable Nicola doesn't want to take Leah out of school during school time. They came with us when Leah was almost 1year old until the start of Covid.

    It will be great when you and Mrs T can shoot off whenever you like without restrictions of work. You will have a better chance to watch your grandchildren grow up, which is the icing on the cake!

    Must try to get some sleep now. I've been lying listening to the rain batter off the window, I hope it eases up before daylight! I have to see a Specialist Physio at the hospital on Thursday. To see if she can help with my knee. The surgeon has arranged it after telling me I need another knee replacement but they can't do it. So fingers crossed this will help.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Aww a wee youngster.  Fun catch up for you : 

    M x

  • Good Morning, 4th January 

    Soon be Christmas,

    Raining here, hope every one, has got over the Christmas and New Year and getting back to a bit of normality.

    House looks bare, now all decorations down,

    Have rest of family coming over later, then the fun begins, 

    Hope all are well, not seen Ulls about, perhaps i have missed him.

    Tea  then start of day, 


  • Wow your holiday sounds wonderful Annette, nice to get some warmth in the body.  Oh I think Davef is paying for us all north of the border lol, it is very kind of him :) 

  • I was just thinking about Ulls, I hope he is ok and just busy in the new year period.  Have a good day Ellie 

    M x