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Lovely Morning No5 A New Year

  • 946 replies
  • 49 subscribers


Not sure where the other one has gone.

Way things are going, this may be my last one, doing a thread, and some one else can do it,

  • Well you could always have a mud bath, supposed to be very good for you, rolling about in the wet mud, something different lol x

  • Good morning all, after the bloods done yesterday, we went straight into town, had a very good walk around, bought some tops and Ray bought me a lovely gold chain, then a late lunch.

    Today I'm paying for it  my left leg is so painful. Pressure sock on and waiting for pain killers to kick in. Think I'll be on my stick today,  but not for long. Xx


  • Glad you had a good day yesterday, think we all do things like that, do a lot in one day, and suffer the next,

    Nice you got a lovely chain, i do have a lot of gold as such, but started giving it away now, while i can, 7Good Rings, and have 6 granddaughters and  1 daughter, so just enough, one each lol.

    Take it easy, i am just going for shower, was waiting for son to get up, but he could be asleep all day lol xx

    These youngest not got the stamina lol

  • I have already given jewellery to people I want to have it. After the problems when my sister died 18 months ago, I'm having non of that, it was so upsetting and tore her family apart. I had to jump in and sort it out. So all sorted even funeral organised, paid for  plot got my urn , money there for stone.

    My new years resolution is to be happy and have fun and to be as kind as possible. Have a good day xx


  • Thats why i have done it, no arguments, Tom and i went out one Wednesday , shopping, and bought two Funeral plans, best think we done, never laughed so much in our lives, picking this and that,

    When he passed phoned up at 11,pm and that was all i had to do,

    Knowing my kids they would put us in the dustbin, lol  Takes the worry away from them, and if they all wanted something different, arguments, not having that, So job done, xx

  • That's good Chelle, I can't wait for my tree and cards to come down. I normally do it on the 6th but I might break that tradition this year! Glad you had a good Christmas & New Year in your new home.

    Have you got Mr Simo to book his next holiday yet? Grinning

  • Yes Annette, the usual, talking the man/ woman divide. Just saying I like it how it is, Angie washing the car, me driving it etc and some other homilies like that.

    They should check and when they realise its your birthday, say happy birthday and let you off.

  • Great you're getting another holiday Morton but are we paying for it?

    When I say we, of course I mean us this side of Hadrians Wall.

    Just wondering.

  • Only kidding, actually, thinking about it, I mean it!

  • I forgot I am championing inclusively as well as other woke matters so I do think we should be paying for everyone's extra holidays. 

    And their gardeners, butlers, personal shoppers and other necessities of life.