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Lovely Morning No5 A New Year

  • 946 replies
  • 49 subscribers


Not sure where the other one has gone.

Way things are going, this may be my last one, doing a thread, and some one else can do it,

  • Will when i get to bed, not seen him for  a e, and the others have all been in, hectic household though nice.

    Tomorrow Moi Night xx

  • Hi Davef, Do you even know what you got a telling off for? Probably not. What a cheek & on your birthday too, it's just not on!!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hmmm someone did ask me to rub it in...sooooo well it's only 26 degrees here today, pretty cool lol. Have been to the beach the last two days as it was 37 /38 happy with the weather today. oops is it cold at your place???? ....running away

  • Can’t wait for the darkness do winter to be over and as you say the new life of spring appearing.  Hope you had a great day yesterday. 

    M x

  • Lol, what lovely weather to have.  Beach at Christmas must be nice 

  • Morning everyone, well we are nearly back to normal.  Still a holiday day in Scotland but everything gets back going tomorrow.  A visit from my brother and his wife today then it is back to normal for me. 

    Have a great day all. 

    M x

  • Morning all. we are back to normal here. Christmas decs came down yesterday. Mr Simo is back to work today, which I am really sad about.....There is still so much painting in this new house that needs doing 


    It has been a lovely Christmas and new year, I even managed to stay awake until midnight at New years which I never do.  But now normality returns, but I quite like that, just for things to continue as they are. xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • , hi morton  i am not back to normal till Friday when i my son goes home,not see for 3 months, up half the night watching James bond and drinking. tut tut .

    Back to normal,  your right, reality coms back, you enjoy your company, later xxx

  • Morning every one..  frost here this morning and chilly, but bright.

    Taking my decorations down to day, never mind.

    Glad you have settled in as such chelle, xx

  • Thank you Ellie. It is pouring with rain here today, we are in the middle of a building site so it makes everything very muddy. Poor dog has never had so many baths 

    Joy Xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge