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Lovely Morning No5 A New Year

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  • 49 subscribers


Not sure where the other one has gone.

Way things are going, this may be my last one, doing a thread, and some one else can do it,

  • Do  i sound that bad, i never ever opened a bottle till October and Moi told me how to lol.

    Tom and i never drank in doors as such, though we did when we had company, but on my own never ever thought, though i must say, it has made me sleep good, so that's my excuse and the bad influence here lol., 

    Was going to say none tomorrow, but youngest son phoned he is coming own tomorrow, 3 months since i have seen him, Lives about 3/4 hours away, so will be nice. 

    Will pass on the job, lol xxxx

  • Of course you don't sound that bad Ellie! It is great if it helps you to sleep, so you just enjoy it. 

    That will be lovely seeing your son. That's a long time not to have seen him. I realise how lucky I am having our family nearby! If I don't see them for 3 or 4 days, it seems long, It must be very hard for you. Enjoy every minute of your visit!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • It is hard at times, he will be here for a few days, so nothing but catching up and f course feeding him, that's mum for you lol.


  • . Hi girls well the bad influence is up bright and early tomorrow,  hospital 9am only bloods, then we'll be going into town a little shopping  and lunch. Then home for a rest. Have a lovely day with your son. Annette not long till Wednesday  when you grandson will be home enjoy xx


  • Well i am of to bed, waiting to post something in case i was late getting up tomorrow lol

  • lol Moi you told me it was easy and yes it is lol

  • Well it has gone midnight and i have waited up to post this so to me its morning.

    To day is the 2nd of January just another day for most, but a special one for another.and a member of this site.




  • Well how did you know that!

    Got stuck watching fishing videos on YouTube.

    Thank you for the song, at least its only us two that know how old!

    Toodlepip, xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Love you Ellie   xxx

  • Ellie, that's great he will be here for a few days. I think once they leave home, they appreciate mum's cooking even more! Unfortunately our dil isn't much of a cook but loves her microwave, which is fair enough when she works full time!

    We had smoked salmon to start, home made steak pie, roast potatoes & veg for dinner followed by home made apple pie with ice cream. Paul said he had forgotten just how good home made food was! It was nice he appreciated it!

    Night night or morning morning ALL!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!