Losing hair

  • 11 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Well it’s finally happening.   My hair is thinning so much now.  I knew this day would come but I had been stupidly hoping it wouldn’t.     Every time I shower and dry my hair it’s coming out lots, no bald patches yet but just thinning all over.  

My husband says not to wash my hair and keep it a little longer but I don’t feel good if I don’t shower and feel clean each day.  I’m so bloody emotional as this is the last hope that chemo will work as I was diagnosed with terminal cancer in March after 4 years of other chemo, operations and radiotherapy have not worked.  

I am dreading going bald and don’t know how I will cope, but I know so many of you have been here already.  I stupidly feel embarrassed about my hair loss even though it’s no fault of my own; and I know the hair loss is only the chemo hopefully doing it’s job this time.  I have a wig ready which it hate and it needs a final trim but every time I put it on, it just doesn’t feel right and I get upset.  Maybe I will feel differently when my hair has all gone.  

Sorey to rant but no one else understands.  My hair will never be the same again as being palliative chemo, if it works, my hair may grow a little after treatment, but if the cancer grows again and I need more chemo then it’s back to hair loss again.   I think it’s realising that I may be bald for the rest of my life.  

I know that being alive for longer is the end result but this stage of the process is such a hard one.  I’m not wanting to do much or go out but know I can’t stay a recluse forever.   My second chemo is on Weds 4th Jan and I am struggling with things.   I have a permanent stoma bag and currently a nephrostomy bag for my right kidney which is needed due to the tumour blocking my ureta.  Sore gums and hands and feet.   It’s hard to know that this chemo could make me better when I feel so low. 

any help or support welcomed xx

  • This does sound like an awful time for you. I understand how massive the hair loss is to you.

    A lot of ladies wear a scarf as they find a wig difficult to get on with. 

    Everyone here has gone through the same and have come out the other side, so will you.

    You will have a better New Year. X

  • Thank you.  I really hope so.   Certainly don’t feel like celebrating the New Year in this year x

  • HI 

    You are going threw a lot, it is not easy that;s for sure.

    My hair went very fine after and when having treatment, i did use to wash it every day, when having a shower, i stopped that, now no more than 3 time a week.

    Hubby said if i loss it all,i could i get a long blond wig as always fancied that,i said yes but he will be wearing it,

    You can get some lovely head wear now and i did look at that and was really impressed with what i saw.

     I also change my shampoo to Plantur 39, it has made a difference not like how my hair  used to be, but better than how it has landed up.

    I found letting my hair get slightly longer made it more noticeable so always have it cut short now

    Sore gums and feet tell them when having next chemo, they can give you something, do not suffer in silence.

    Our bodies are only our outer coating, it is what comes from the inside, take a moment and think what sort of person you are on the inside, and bring that out, that is you, not what people see with their eyes, beauty is skin deep, look further.

    Please let us know how you are getting on, xxx

  • I know how it is with bad hair and then no hair, but believe me you will eventually put this in context. Mine came out in hospital in big lumps and I remember bursting into tears because it felt like the last straw. I decided I wouldn't waste time or money on a wig. I did get myself some hats that made me feel a lot better. Winter is easier than summer with hats. There's a woman on Etsy and she's from Lithuania or somewhere in that vicinity. She makes great hats with all sorts of arty bits on them - ribbons, beads, snazzy bits. I bought several and am very pleased with them. Do have a look. Also some beanie hats to wear with a baseball cap. Very bright and colourful: company started by a young woman who lost all her hair from alopaecia. Check it out.  Rainie x

  • Thank you.  I will do. X

  • Hi HAC274, I was like you when my hair started thinning. I hadn't told a lot of people about my cancer and I felt having almost no hair would be like advertising I had it. I cried a lot! I got a wig and wore it once. Hats and scarves are much better, as Rainie has said.

    The specialist hairdresser at the Maggie Centre advised me not to wash it every day, (which I had been doing in the shower) and to use Plantar 39 shampoo, which I still use and like Ellie I keep my hair much shorter than I used to.

    Hopefully you will realise, like I eventually did, that a lot of people don't notice and don't care but I thought everyone was looking at me. They were not. You will get through this, we all did and come out the other side stronger.                                 These days, a lot of models and actresses even shave their heads, as they consider it fashionable. Not when it isn't your decision but look around and on the Internet for hats & scarves. It IS easier in winter as lots of people wear hats! Please keep in touch! Good luck on the 4th!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thank you.  A lot of that makes sense.   I’ve got some nice hats which is perfect for this weather.  It’s just meeting people for the first time, I just want to see anyone but when it’s done, it’s done I guess. X

  • Hi HAC274, it takes a lot of bottle to do something for the first time, 2 of my sister's lost their hair due to chemo, they never wore wigs, some time's a hat depending on the weather, lossing hair does not make you any less a woman, think this is me take me or leave me it's your choice I'm not changing.

  • Thank you so much. This is all helping me.  I feel people will look at me with pity but I have no experience yet so I just need to get out there.  Saving my hair wash for tonight, we’ve been invited out so it will be a challenge to go even though I still have them hair.  After that, I think it will keep on thinning until I am bald.  

  • 1 of my sister's hair came out in lumps leaving bald patches, she had me shave the rest off, very trendy