PIP renewal

  • 4 replies
  • 44 subscribers

After waiting over a year during which time my PIP payment was extended for 6 months and then again for another 6 months, I was invited to reapply for an extension of my PIP. I filled in the necessary form and was sent an email to say that my renewal was under review. After a wait of around 5 weeks I received a letter at the weekend. 

Once I summoned up the courage to open it, I was delighted to read that I have been successful in my application for renewal and I won't be contacted again for at least 10 years. Pleased or what!

Tvman xx 

  • That’s great. For the last 15 years i’ve had to renew every 3 years.  As far as i know no one has found the cure for mesothelioma!!!

  • That's great news Tv man so pleased for you xx

  • Hi Tvman, That will take a weight off your shoulders!

    When they first changed to PIP from DLA ( Disability Living Award) I had to go for an assessment. We were with the Nurse Practitioner for over an hour and was told I would get their decision by post! It took 5 weeks but the PIP was for 10 years, due up in 2027! We kept reading the letter thinking we had read it wrong.

    Then a week before the new PIP was due to start, another letter came through the post. I didn't open it until my husband came in! I kept saying they've changed their mind! However when we did open it, it was from the Nurse Practitioner who had done the assessment asking if the letter had come through and apologising for putting me through the ordeal! You could have knocked me down with a feather!! There was a P.S. At the bottom saying if the allowance letter had already come through, I did not need to take any further action! Phew! We're we relieved as it pays for the cleaner I employ and I also have an automatic Motability Car.

    Terrific Christmas present for you and Mrs T!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • That's good to hear. One less stress for you. Rainie x