Please be careful everyone

  • 8 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Good afternoon friends, I think the current freeze is pretty much nationwide and I want you to take care if you have to venture outside.My dog,Conan, came to me around 9 this morning. I let him out of the back door into the frozen ground in the back garden and I thought I'd go to the garage and turn the heating on for an hour. There are two steps to get to the garden and the path alongside the house to the garage. They didn't look to be icy, just wet so I stepped onto the first one and my legs went straight up in the air and I fell flat on my back. Thankfully my back seemed ok but my elbow wasn't, the elbow that woke me during their night with a horrendous pain, the elbow that was operated on last July. I was unable to get into the house even though my head was on the doorstep, I couldn't get a grip, my knees just slipped and I couldn't stand because I hadn't the strength to drag myself through the door. The temperature was below zero so my only choice was to yell GARETH! and continue yelling his name until I heard him call back. Danger of freezing to death averted! We're pretty well isolated so there's only a remote chance that someone across the fields might be out at their bin or something. When I managed to get into the kitchen I looked at my elbow and there was an egg sized lump on the outside of the bone at the elbow. I was shaking a little but relieved and freezing.

Just goes to show that although I have a feeling that I'm in my thirties, I'm really in my mid sixties and vulnerable. Please take care if you have to venture outside this week.

Tvman xx 

  • Oh Tvman, I'm so sorry to hear that, it just goes to show how easily these things can happen! I am so pleased your son was about! How is your elbow now? Has it settled down?

    I tend not to venture out much in ice or snowy as walking with elbow crutches is hard enough when it's dry but almost impossible if the ground is covered with ice. Also if I fall, like you, I couldn't get myself back up on my feet. You must have got a bad fright, please just let the dog go out himself in the garden, I'm sure he'll be fine!

    How are you now? Any worse for your ordeal?

    Please take care!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hope your elbow is OK Tvman, good job help was at hand. It really shakes you up after a fall, so take it easy. I haven't been out since the snow came as my left leg is playing up again in the cold weather, so don't really trust on the frozen ground. Take care and stay safe xx


  • So sorry to hear about your fall it's so easy to fall in the weather we are having at the moment I do hope you are ok now huge hugs xxx

  • Oh no, that sounds horrid, I'm glad that you were able to call for help. Take care x


  • Omg Tvman please take better care of yourself

  • Ho TVman what do you thing your doing, reading your post gave me a scare, an accident that could have been much worse, I don't care how young you are mate, please take care we don't want to lose you off the site.

  • Hi tvman,

    I hope you are feeling better after the fall, hope the aches and pains are easing up, not to mention the elbow. 

    • A x