Year since diagnosis

  • 5 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hello all

not posted for a while, not sure why, I’ve had a lot of mixed feelings that I can’t understand or don’t want to understand, but I don’t know what’s wrong with me or if anything is wrong at all. I am very tired these days and the more immunotherapy I have the more tired I seem to be. I’ve just had another 3 month scan so waiting for the results. I suppose really I don’t know what I’m feeling or why, do I need to feel anything, I don’t know. 

Anyway getting ready for Christmas, not sure why, I thinks it’s because it’s something I always do.

I hope everyone else is enjoying themselves have a great weekend 


  • Hi Donna, its great to see you back again, but some what worried about your post, you must be a mind reader, I've just sent a pm on the prostate site, saw your contact and thought bosh I haven't spoke to Donna for ages, very remiss of me, won't let it happen again, 

  • Don't worry Wombat, you sound just how most of us feel one time or another.

    Medication is great in one way but the price is side effects that make a difference to your daily life.

    And scan worries just build up the pressure.

    You will come out of your gloom. X

  • You feel what ever you feel at the time, no rhyme or reason, and know right answer.

    Life in general can be hard at times, and we have a condition that is unpredictable, and we do try to carry on like nothing is going on, then wham bang, it at times hits you in the face, for no reason.  

    Afraid there is nothing we can do, been there, then have to pick  myself up, not easy, though we can do it and you will as well.

    This journey and that is what i call it, has so many ups and downs, then things smooth out for a little while, and then we dip, until we come back up.

    I did the immunotherapy for the two years, had 7 chemo's before and took a heart attack, did not lose my hair, though went very fine, and has never come back to how it was, i always said i am not out to impress anyone, at least i am still here, that's the main thing.

    The weather does not help, and Christmas, yes i do it as i always have, been wrapping pressies this morning and moaning about it, then thought, this could be my last one, then i turned it around, no i am and will be moaning about it next year,

    We are human, we are just not people  with cancer, we are not defined by that, i am ellie, a mum, nan, and a friend,  cancer is not some one i invited into my life, so for me there is know room for it.

    I am waiting for MRI  and a CT extras as have a problem, and the what ifs creep in, well they can creep in, but i will and have to deal with it then.

    So this done moment will pass your not alone, one day at a time, and that then becomes an achievement, keep the goal posts short, and you will reach them.t 

  • Hi Donna, Good to see you post. I do think sometimes we think too much! This is a roller coaster that stops and starts and unfortunately we are not in control of when.

    These drugs do strange things to our body but hopefully it will be worth it in the end when they work their magic for you! The tiredness is par for the course, I'm sorry to say, so we have to learn to pace ourselves which is not always easy especially at this time of year!

    As Ellie said, just try to take it one day at a time. However we are all still a bit on edge when waiting on scan results, on here we call it scanxiety! I hope you don't have to wait too long for your results and when they do come, they are everything you want them to be and more!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Donna, hate waiting for scan results, all sorts goes through your head, I just try to stay busy while I wait. Yes tiredness is a side effect and can hit you at any time. You have plenty to keep you busy at this time of year, Chrismas. Some times I go through periods like you ard at the moment, it will pass in time. Sending hugs.xx
