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No 3 Lovely Morning Thread.

  • 1224 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Well he we go again, if the thread was not so poplar, would not have to do it.

All are welcome Ellie  

  • That's really nice Moi, you enjoy, wipe your face that will do lol x

  • Good morning everyone, hope you all slept well.  Not the best for me but I don’t feel too bad this morning.  Going out for some exercise with a friend then a wee cup of tea and roll and sausage Slight smile

    Wee charity night was good and brought the total raised up to £2600.  So well worth it. 

    Hope you all have a nice Saturday planned. 

  • Morning Morton

    Glad the charity did well, every bit counts, and it got you out, 

    Sorry you had another sleepless night, as such, but you are going  out,  sausage roll and tea lovely.

    Not sure about the exercise for me, bad enough getting out of bad, but you are fitter and younger so go for it lol.

    Make the most of it as not raining here, cold but dry.

    Enjoy your day, later xxx

  • And a Very good morning everyone, dry,bright and cold.

    It's good to see your fund raisers went well, that a decent amount of cash, enjoy you walk and treats, I lost at snooker last night as expected, cards to night, and I'm off out shopping by myself this morning, I just love shopping on Saturday's on the run up to Christmas, it's so scrummy.

  • Morning, Rather you than me, i went shopping two days, was manic manic manic, could not wait to get out and home.

    Hope you find it a better shopping trip than mine.

    Its the taking part of playing games not whether you win or lose, that is what i was always told.

    Yes cold and dry here,  but not bright, rather this than rain xx

  • Hi Ellie I'm back home I had the same problems some many people a nightmare, wife's presents bought, just to wrap now. Now watching football 

  • Morning all, miserable outside, no important domestic duties inside so just reading my Kindle.

    What a life!

  • We; you had to go out, you said you did not get her a pressie, lol she got her own from you.

    I got my own last year, from  Tom, and i know he would have been happy, with what i picked, xx

  • What a life, where am i going wrong, i am coming back male, that's for sure, x

  • Well that is me finished for the day, enough is enough.

    Cleaned some windows, got tress out, and decorated half the lounge, rest tomorrow, front door down.

    Why is  it a lot quicker to put every thing away, in the new year, and the house looks tidy, at the moment bits every where, tomorrows job.

    Good job it is only once a year, and i am still here to moan about it, so another year older as well .