A rant about WIGS!

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In anticipation of my hair falling out I bought two hairpieces.  One is a fairly expensive wig and the other's a hair topper, bought through that scheme.

After months of thinking I was one of the lucky ones and that I'd got away with minimal hair loss, it seems to be thinning drastically.  So im thinking  "I'd better get those (still in their boxes) wigs out and practice putting them on"

Oh. My. God.

The wig makes me look like a demented Dougal from Magic Roundabout and the topper makes me look like one of the Bee Gees.  Also, They both make my head look massive, like a football 

What's going through these wig makers minds when they make these blimmin things.  Why do they use SO much hair.  Nobody's hair is that thick and bulky.

I understand now why so many women opt for scarves and hats instead. It's way more flattering.

These wigs made me look ridiculous 

I think I might burn them they're so crap.

Thanks for listening. (and if nothing else, hopefully it's given you a laugh!)

  • Sounds fun! But I'm not that brave! X

  • I have a friend, who when she lost her hair through chemo her husband (at her suggestion) drew eyes on the back of her head with make up. Her grandchildren thought it was wonderful and the photos made us all laugh. She too had a wig but wore the scarves instead as the wig was just not comfortable.

    love and hugs 

    Maggie xx 

  • I can just imagine the grandchildren faces!

  • Hi Harebelle, Well you were lucky! I'd rather look like Doudal or one of the BeeGees instead of who I looked like with a wig on. I wore it for the first time when we went to Amsderdam as I knew I wouldn't meet anyone I knew. I am showing my age here but when I saw the photographs I looked like Meg Richardson from Neighbours way back at the beginning! I never wore it again. I wore scarfs and was glad when it came to winter because then most people wore wooly hats, not just me!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • That made me chuckle Annette.   

    I'm off to Google Meg Richardson.

    I used to watch Neighbours back in the day but don't recall that name.

  • Just got the joke.  Doh!

    I'm really slow lately! Xxx

  • Hi  Harebelle, firstly I haven't lost my hair.Its thined a bit not much, I do have thick hair. I was going to say take it to the hair dressers. But if it slips off there's no point. Hope you can get your money back and put it towards a good wig . Thinking of uou xx


  • Hi, Well Meg owned the Motel when it first started, if I remember right she had a son who ended up in a wheelchair! Now that wasn't yesterday!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Yes Annette, , I was an avid follower. My memory of Crossroads is a little hazy but I think Meg Richardson was in it and her son in a wheelchair was called Sandy. I think it was set in the midlands in the UK and not Neighbours in Australia!

    Take care everyone

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Yes you are right Tvman!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!