A rant about WIGS!

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In anticipation of my hair falling out I bought two hairpieces.  One is a fairly expensive wig and the other's a hair topper, bought through that scheme.

After months of thinking I was one of the lucky ones and that I'd got away with minimal hair loss, it seems to be thinning drastically.  So im thinking  "I'd better get those (still in their boxes) wigs out and practice putting them on"

Oh. My. God.

The wig makes me look like a demented Dougal from Magic Roundabout and the topper makes me look like one of the Bee Gees.  Also, They both make my head look massive, like a football 

What's going through these wig makers minds when they make these blimmin things.  Why do they use SO much hair.  Nobody's hair is that thick and bulky.

I understand now why so many women opt for scarves and hats instead. It's way more flattering.

These wigs made me look ridiculous 

I think I might burn them they're so crap.

Thanks for listening. (and if nothing else, hopefully it's given you a laugh!)