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Does anyone have tips on overcoming terrible fatigue?  I spend more time in bed now than out of it and sleep lots. Going to 

the shops is just too much and I find even the company of my lovely family and friends so very tiring, as in going to bed to sleep!  I don’t want to waste what time I have left , any ideas?

  • Hello Noplanb,

    I think fatigue is part of cancer also of getting old.

    i don’t know how old you are ?

    i am 70 on Dec 5th.

    we all try and cope with it in our own way. They do say exercise is the answer to fatigue lots of love . Though you have to be able to exercise to do that. I do things when I can and sleep when I need to which is a lot of sleeping.

    i keep falling asleep and miss tv programmes  so have to watch again on catch up.

    Any one else have that problem ?

    my oxygen is helping my general well being now as it brings my oxygen sats up 

    lots of love xxxi


  • Hi, I was fatigued when the cancer was developing (before diagnosis) and when the treatment went tits-up (too strong a reaction).  I just slowed down and got really lethargic.  Went to bed really early, or went for a lie down during the day.  I slowed down in everyday life.  Just going to the shops made me question if I had enough energy to make it.  Luckily for me starting treatment helped.  Then, when I had the adverse reaction, once I had the mitigating drugs for that, I was  back to "normal" really.  My experience sounds a bit of a blip compared to what you are going through.  Does you team have any ideas or suggestions?  

  • Hi Ruth, I’m glad you have oxygen helping you and it’s good to know that someone else keeps falling asleep! I’m 71 so I guess that doesn’t help. Maybe I’m just expecting too much, having been previously always on the go and I should accept this major slowing down and be thankful for what little I can do.  One wheel on my wagon but I’m still rolling along! Nice to speak with you xxx

  • Hi Mmum, thanks for your reply. I guess I’m just much further  ‘down the road’ now. My team always just say that two years of my infusions and multiple meds cause fatigue along with my actual multiple tumours as well. My infusions stop next month as it’s considered any more would risk my major organs but I’ll keep on the daily immunotherapy tablets plus all the meds for side effects. I’ll just accept where I am now and do hope to get another year perhaps and get back to being thankful for the two years I’ve already had. It’s nice to talk and I’m so glad that you’re feeling normal now, enjoy! 

  • Yes Ruth I keep falling asleep day or night. I have to record some programmes because I fall asleep every minute or two. It may be the morphine. You take morphine too Ruth, don't you?

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Noplanb, I feel tired all the time and it is because I can't sleep for the pain left after surgeries, drugs etc. Tvman & Ruth, I too take Oramorph but it doesn't make me drowsy and I hear everyone else saying how good it is for helping you sleep! I've tried lots of things, Pregabalin, Gabapentin, Prozac, Amitriptyline, Nortriptyline etc etc I've told my husband to buy a mallet! Lol.

    I am just used to it now! They say you should get some fresh air at some point every day. It does make me feel a bit more awake. I just wish I could do some gardening!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hiya Noplanb like everyone else on here I seem to fall to sleep all the time, as my treatment goes on my fatigue seems to get worse, I’m no spring chicken at 58 but before I commented treatment I seemed much better even though I had been diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma. I put most of the fatigue Dow n to the drugs with some for the cancer it’s self, hopefully at some point things will improve for both of us.

    have a good day Donna xxx

  • Yes I take birth zomorph and oramorph it nay contribute to the tiredness not sure. I still get pain at times.

    latest is in my shoulder not sure where that has come from.

    Sad thing is I have stopped walking the dog in the morning my husband has been getting up to do it. The weather has been colder and wet and I was struggling a bit. Also the first time I had the oxygen on all night. It does keep my sats up 

    love xxx


  • Sorry you have trouble sleeping. I wake up a lot in the night bit seem to be able to go back to sleep ok I think the zomorph helps as well as the oramorph.mi think it is calming.

    it is hard when you have to give up things. Like I have given up walking the dog in the last few days. I think things are getting worse for me it is hard to eat now xxx
