Terminal lung cancer more than 2 years on

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  • 46 subscribers

Hi everyone I’m a 2 year terminal lung cancer sufferer. I was given a 3-6 survival time and am hanging in there. I’m also just about to be discharged from the army at the end of the month. I’m have been so lucky over the last 2 years. My wife and I have bought a house settled in our chosen area with our kids. 

im just about to turn 42 and the strain of everything is really starting to take its toll on me. What do my family do after I’m gone?  It’s been so long that I sometimes forget I even have cancer and just muddle along doing my best to keep everything going. I worry about the family a lot and about they are going to do after I’m gone but mainly when will I go?  The time has just crept up on me and I’m starting to struggle like I did at the start of mY diagnosis. I’ve kind of hit a mental wall where it’s been so long with the illness that I think will it ever end?

Does anyone else feel like that or have doubts about when or if ?

  • Hi Gray Welcome to a special group of people, though sorry you have had to find us.

    I am sorry but i do not have an answer, i was diagnosed in 2016 and well past my sell by date

    Are you on any treatment as such, or have been.

    No one knows how long, though in one way we know it will be sooner rather than later. and we can put things in order, and then get on and make the most of our time with our family.

    Please use this group you will get a lot of support from it, i would not have got this far with out it, a great bunch of people and always  here for each other., you can scream, rant, moan, cry and yes laugh but some one will always get back to you.

    I just wanted to welcome you, so you know you are not alone xx

  • Hi Gray and a warm welcome! When I read your post where you said, "I was given 3-6 survival time" I thought to myself 3-6 What? Weeks, months or years? Anyway, no one knows when we are going to die, not even the professionals. There are a lot of us here who are "well past our sell by date!" I was given 5-7 months as a prognosis. That was in 2013, so never give up. My oncologist found a Trial Drug for me to try which I was on for just over 3 years. They thought it MAY give me an extra couple of months, I f it worked but no one expected me still to be here.

    I try to live each day and make the best of it! Of course at first I thought a lot about funerals etc and then the ne day I thought if I kept that up, I would drive myself mad. I got my Power of Atorney for Health & Finances sorted out. Filled in the forms at the hospice, so everyone knew my wishes, then got on with living.

    It is not easy but these days there are so many new treatments available for so many different cancers there is always Hope.

    As Ellie asked, I would also like to know if you are on any type of treatment at the moment or is your Team looking into what is available for you!

    We know how you feel, we have all had an incurable diagnosis, so you can ask any questions here or just let us know how you feel. The support is right here for you!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I know exactly how you feel.

    i was given 2 years to live 3 years ago.

    when I asked agin after I had had recent scans and radiotherapy which was one year ago. I was told several months or a few years.

    in other words they have no idea.

    The only way I cope ( and there are bad times ) is to live one day at a time and do the things I can and meet up with my friends. I am lucky I have my husband living with me and our grown up children we see all the time.

    i now need oxygen as I have lung mets so similar to your lung cancer.

    lots of love 


  • So sorry you find yourself here.  As the others have said prognosis is not an exact science but these limits are super hard to live with.  I found that getting my affairs in order and simplifying my life in many ways has meant that I don’t have to think about when things will happen.  I just know when they do everything is ready and my closest will be secure.  One thing I struggle with, like you, is that I sometimes forget I have Cancer and then the body or some test will bring a stark reminder.  Those are the hardest days.  I am learning to live day to day, enjoy each day and not think too much about what’s to come.  It’s not easy.   Found free counselling provided through Macmlllan to be helpful for this.

    Be kind to yourself and ask for support, Best wishes


  • Thanks for advice. I’ve got things in order I think? At least the big ones; funeral arrangements (have to amend it when I’m out the army), will sorted, bought a house to keep the family housed and my pension stuff for them all in the future. 

    we try to do as much as to keep active and happy but it’s getting harder and harder. Every time I remember that I have cancer or there is some reminder on the telly or I find there is something I used to be able to do that I now can’t is really hard and sometimes it can take me a day or two to mentally deal with. 

    thank you for you support be lucky and look after yourself 

    all the best Gray

  • Ruth I’m sorry to hear that. I have stage 4 primary  lung cancer with bone and brain mets. I know it’s not an exact science finding out when you’re going to die but it’s really hard to live with. I had chemotherapy and radiation therapy but I finally chose to stop all treatment and just have palliative treatment and just have mainly pain relief. 

    I too am lucky my wife has gave up work and is my caregiver the kids know but they are aged 15-9 years old and they are fully understanding as we were fully honest with them. 

    I hope you keep having a time 

    all the best


  • Hey Annette 

    I was given 3-6 months and I too had some kind of new treatment which I am so thankful to have been able to have used. Ultimately I have ended up coming off all treatment and am just going palliative and going for quality over quantity. This was because I was spending more time at the hospital than at home. I have filled in all my paperwork and written down what I want to happen after I’m gone. We sorted Al that out early on. 

    im just having a rough time at the minute what with Xmas coming up and a few birthdays and my discharge from the army coming up at the end of the month. I knew it was coming and when but it’s just struck up on me. It’s just something I’ll have to come to terms with

     Hank you for being there and helping me

    all the best


  • I am glad you have had some replies, you seem to have put all the important things in place, that's the main thing

    You have been honest with your children, and that is hard,

    I stopped thinking of the things i used to be able to do, and thought what would i like to do that i am capable of,and its surprising what then you can do, i started crosswords, never done one in my life, now two a day,I have started to start drawing, which is a challenge, but i like a challenge,

    Think of things, that you are capable of  doing, nothing ventured nothing gained.

    I am sure your wife, could come up with some ideas,the life i had has gone, so get on with what life is left,

    I am glad you found us and came back.


  • Yes I am in the same situation. The palliative care team keep me pain free.

    lovely you can talk to your kids 

    I went out for lunch today with friends. We are lucky to be able to do things.


  • Hi Grayo156 a very warm welcome to the group we all support everyone on here I was told a long time ago that everyone is an individual I was given 3to 6 months to live I am now over 3 years fighting on I know exactly how you feel some days I don't think about cancer and other days I think of nothing else and then I start to panic and overthinking the worse take each day as it comes thinking too far down the line will make you feel worse you will have bad days and good days we all do and it's took me a long time to realise that in bad days it's ok not to be ok and you will have a good day I know how hard it is but try and stay positive we are all here for you whenever you need us 
