3 month CT scan result

  • 9 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hi everyone 

I hope you all had a good day so far, I’ve just had the results of my latest CT scan result and it says everything is stable, I’ll take that I’m pleased with that.

on a negative note I am struggling to get my meds from the local pharmacy, every time I put my repeat prescription in something is miss when I go to pick it up. This has happened every month for the last 9 months. I put a script in 2 weeks ago went to pick it up only to find the eye drops missing and an owing slip for my shortec oxycodone meds. I returned last week and was told they could get the eye drops from supplier so I had to contact my doctor and get them to issue a new script for a different eye drop they could get from supplier, and they awaited the shortec from the supplier. I rang the doc and arranged for a new eye drop script to be sent, I returned to pharmacy on Monday only to be told the eye drops hadn’t arrived and shortec who are a manufacturer are not able to supply the oxycodone, at this stage I’m very stressed having been to the pharmacy 3 times and I still don’t have my meds. The pharmacist took the owing script to the doctor surgery and asked them to issue a replacement for the owing meds. Yesterday I got a tex from the pharmacy saying my script is ready for collecting. I’ve been today to the pharmacy I finally got the eye drops but the owing oxycodone was not 5hat the pharmacy because the script has been sent to a different pharmacy, I couldn’t believe it. What has happened to the owing oxycodone meds no one seems to know, I rang the doctor ask them why the script has been sent to a different pharmacy, they say it has been sent anywhere as the doctors are still discussing a replacement for the owing meds.

you could write a book about this saga, I’m sure no one would believe the story, I still don’t have my owing meds and I need them as it’s my  painkiller med. I’m so feed up with this situation and the incompetence of the pharmacy I really don’t know what to do, I’ve tried complaining to the pharmacy head office but you guessed it they don’t respond to emails and if you ring you are kept having on the line, over 30 mins on Monday, at this rate the cancer will get me before I get my meds.

Sorry for the rant but if anyone has any advice I would appreciate it.


  • That’s great news to hear that your stable, my first three months ago and everything is stable as well and I have my six month scan in a few weeks.

    I get all my meds through the hospital rather than through the pharmacy as the oncologist likes the guarantee that all the meds are there  . This is the usual policy for my hospital. Is this potentially something you could ask your oncologist?

  • Hi Charlotte 

    thanks for your advice, I will have a word with my specialist nurse, what you say make sense as i go to the hospital every 3 weeks

    have a good evening 


  • Hi Donna , wonderful news about the scan results. May you have many more like that.

    What terrible service you're getting from the pharmacy, error after error.... Can you use another pharmacy, possibly one who delivers to your house? 

    Makes me feel guilty because my pharmacy is attached to the surgery and they have 4 weeks in 4 blister packs every time we go. They used to deliver until I started getting morphine tablets and I suppose they don't want to put temptation for the delivery person. 

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Donna great news stable mable !! yesClapClap as for the pharmacy, have had similar with diabetes paraphernalia, pharmacy say not on script Dr says was turned out it hadn't been ordered by pharmacy. They don't realise how helpless they make you feel. Celebrate your results, sending hugs xx


  • Good news you are stable.

    i can only get morphine they won’t give me oxycodone even though I found it didn’t give me nausea. I have managed to get used to the morphine I can collect from the GPS surgery it is always a long wait because they keep it in the safe xxx


  • Wow  what an absolute polava with the meds.  I'm aghast reading all that!  Speechless!  I'm surprised you have the presence of mind to be pleased with the scan results in that situation.  

  • Hi Donna, great news about being in the stable mabel club! Long may it continue. I hear you with regard to your meds, so frustrating & causing you anxiety you could do without. It has happened to me too and the phone calls trying to get things sorted takes it out of you. I hope you've managed to do it now. x

  • Hi Donna, that is great to hear about the stable scan results. I am so happy for you. As suggested, speak to your oncologist about the meds, hope it is sorted soon for you, it’s an unnecessary stress that you don’t need xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Great news that you are in the stable Mabel club long may it continue regarding your prescription request problems I also had a terrible time of getting mine then my best friend told me about medicine drop they are brilliant they deliver anywhere in the UK to your home address it's a free nhs service you have to register with them and full a few simple forms in www.medicinedrop.co.UK I got my forms in the post hope this helps let me know how you get on xxx
