
  • 2 replies
  • 43 subscribers
Thank you everyone for your kind words and sympathies. I can't express my gratitude in words that would tell you how lovely you have been.
Yes it was a sad occasion, the passing of my mother in law. We got on extremely well with each other, I'll miss the chats that we had in her latter years. Her present day memory was very poor, she wouldn't remember what had happened or who called with her the previous day and I'm happy to say that she never stopped recognising me. I used to sit with her and chat about her early years and people she met, including the Queen whom she met when she worked at Stormont in her twenties and thirties. Very proud of that occasion she was.
I thought she would have reached the century, just as three of her sisters did but sadly that was not to be. She led a healthy lifestyle and was very rarely ill. It's somewhat ironic that when she became jaundiced just a couple of days before her death, she was diagnosed with a large cancerous tumour right in front of her liver. I know that she knew that I have an incurable cancer but she always told me that I didn't, I think she found it hard to accept because one of her sisters was taken at an early age. She would always have asked me or my wife how I was. She knew, I'm sure.
Thank you again everyone.
Tvman xx 
  • Dearest Tvman 

    you are always ready to support anyone of us, this time it was our turn to support you. You do so much for others on this forum. 

    Stay well 



  • How lovely to read about your mother in law.

    people that live so long see so many changes and experienced so much 

    The tumour she had wasn’t diagnosed  until the very end which maybe was a blessing.

    it is hard to be left with the grief and strange feelings after someone we knew for a long time has died 

    Best wishes x
