Depressed today

  • 8 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi All

i am feeling a bit depressed today, I’ve been trying to return to work on a phased return and everything seems so depressing. No one wants to speak to me and one person actually said should you really be at work given your situation. I was floored and couldn’t answer and then my palliative care doctor called to have a chat about my pain, my bone mets has progressed so I have pain at the top of my spin and base of my skull. My pain meds have been adjusted and in the main I am coping with the pain, she told me she was going on maternity leave so she was giving me an open appointment as she thought I was stable but she also said she would be passing other cases to a colleague, I’ve had a good relationship with this team and really wanted to continue with it as I trusted her, after all I am treatable but not curable but now I feel like I’m being off loaded because the nhs can’t transfer me to another doctor list whilst mine is on maternity leave, basically I feel I’m being off loaded. 

I have great support from my specialist nurse and my oncologist doc but they are not pain specialist like the palliative care team, it was great to have that contact once a month and know my pain was a priority. I really feel palliative care have given up on me.

Not sure I’ve got things in perspective, just upset at the moment 

have a good evening 


  • Hi

    Sorry you are feeling lie this today, tomorrow may be a bit better, i hope so.

    Have you been in touch with the Hospice and i am not saying that, as a last resort thing,.

    They are very good at Pain Management, better than the hospital,they do phone calls, and come out to discuss, any symptoms you may be having, it is worth a phone call, or your GP can refer to them.

    Please do not suffer in any way in silence, there is help out there, use it.

     I used them for my husband, and they came straight out, I know who to call, if i need some help as well, and i will do,

    Do not feel down, here is a BIG HUG xx

  • Hi, I'm so sorry to hear about your problems, go with the advise from Ellie she's a spot on ladie and very experienced in this issue, let us know how you get on.

  • I have a palliative care doctor I can talk to about my pain I’m sure there must be a number you can call to advise you on your pain relief.

    i can call the palliative care nurses to get a consultant phone call 


  • Hi Donna,

    Sorry to hear you are feeling fed up and down. My husband has had experience like your work situation although it is myself that is ill. He said that people don't know what to say so avoided speaking to him in case they said the wrong thing. The person that commented about your situation - could this have been well intentioned? Were they trying to look out for you? Could they have meant - is the company you work for not trying to help you more, "given your situation".

    Does the open appointment not mean that other doctors will see you if you have any problems? I know it's not the same as a regular review and I know in my case, I'm not good at asking for help. As Ellie said there must be a way round this and other teams. I hope you get sorted Donna, take care.

    A x 

  • Donna

    I hope you fill a bit brighter today.

    Cancer comes under the Disability Act, and your firm has to accommodate your needs, in the respect what you can do and what you cannot do.

    I did not realise  this till last year, my daughter got diagnosed with Breast Cancer and had to have a Mastectomy, which all went wrong.

    Though she went back to work and told them from the start, i cannot do that and cannot do this, they have stuck to their guns, and when her colleagues now say why don't you have to  do that, a lot of lifting was evolved she tells them, because i have been told by hospital, no lifting under any circumstances as you could rupture artery , and she does what she is allowed to do.

  • Hello everyone 

    thank you for the advise and support you have given me over the last couple of days. It really is appreciated. I have sorted myself out now and got things in perspective. My palliative care doc has called me back and has assured me they will still provide my pain support but are leaving it to me to decide when I want to speak to them, in order words I’m in control, which feels much better.

    as for my work issues they have not been resolved, it appears you can work from home when it suits the employer but when the employee asks to work from home on medical grounds that can’t be accommodated as a reasonable adjustment. So taking this problem forward I have contacted my union rep and employed the services of the legal profession. I spoke with the solicitor this morning who is happy to take this as a case especially as I have written evidence that the employer is not prepared to make reasonable adjustments.

    so onwards and upwards, I’m feeling better and sometimes someone has to make a stand for others to benefit, so I will be making a stand against my employer in the hope that it improves how other people are treated in the future.

    have a good day hugs to all


  • So pleased you sound so much more positive, onwards and upwards,

    You do have rights, as i said comes under the Disability act, you go girl.

  • Hi Donna, Sorry I am a bit late to this discussion. I had my 5th Covid jag on Monday and wasn't well Tues or Wed.

    I am pleased to read your recent post as it sounds so positive and is obvious you have taken control of the situation. Some of these employers think they can do what they like but as Ellie has said, the Disability Act is there for a reason and you have the right to have your say!

    Good for you, don't allow them to treat you this way and I am sure others will learn from you. It is sad to say but we have to stick up for ourselves these days or we fall through the cracks! I no longer put up with any smash! You show them whose boss and who has the law on their side!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!