• 8 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hi Gang, I wanted to tell you what happened to me today.

This morning very early I got a text saying "Hi Mum, I am in need of help, if it is at all possible."

I text back asking what I could do to help. The reply came back "I have fallen and broken my iPhone, so this is my temporary number until I get things sorted out.........077.........."

I asked was he hurt and he said no but he needed a new phone right away, so could I send money (£1,397.26) to pay for an iPhone 13 plus the head set. This was followed with bank account name, sorting code and reference number. Saying because his mobile was broken, he could not access online banking, so if we paid it, he would pay us back asa possible.

Fortunately before doing anything we tried to phone him and a message said his voicemail box was full. My husband sent a text, to the new number asking him to call us to confirm exactly what he wanted. He got no reply but 30 minutes later our son walked in saying he was going for a cycle with our grandson. We keep their bikes and helmets in a storage shed in the garden. My husband said, why didn't you phone me when I asked you. By the astonished look on his face, we knew he hadn't received the message. My husband then asked him could his iPhone not be sorted. Our son said "What do you mean, there is nothing wrong with my mobile!" He then took it out of his pocket.

When we told him the story, he said it was a scam! A very convincing one but luckily we would never send money to anyone we didn't know without checking it out.

Please be careful as these people will stop at nothing to try to get money! I wonder has anyone else had something similar happen?

I thought it was worth warning everyone!

Take care, Love Annette x

  • What a scam 

    AYescanything that asks for money is a scam 

    I wonder if they are guessing you have a child 


  • I have heard of this Annette. There was a report on the radio about it, some people had lost thousands of pounds thinking they were helping a family member. I am so glad your son turned up when he did, as I don’t think this person would of given up trying xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Thanks Chelle & Ruth, I would never have transferred money until I had actually spoken to my son but some people might take this at face value!

    Our son told us they look at Facebook etc to see if there are photos there. I don't put pics on Facebook but all they have to do is look at your friends and see who has the same surname etc. It seems they also buy mobile numbers from others. They are crafty and know exactly what to say. I do feel sorry for people who believed they were helping their family, what a shameful thing for one human being to do to another! These people have no conscience or heart!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Yes it is shame these scammers do succeed in getting people to pay up.


  • Hi Annette, I am a member of which and I report to them on various tests of any item that I have for them to compile a report of possibly hundreds of other members all reporting various faults etc.

    Just a couple of days ago I received a message from Which about exactly that only they were reporting that the scam began with Hi mum and dad...

    It was lucky your son walked in the door! 

    Tvman xx

    PS I was having a little read of a few messages. Mrs Tvman's mum's funeral is tomorrow, Friday, at 11am

    Love life and family.
  • Hi, I do hope all goes well for the funeral on Friday. It is good you and Mrs T will have your family there to support you!

    Love to you all!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Tvman, I hope everything goes well for you and your family tomorrow, I will pray for you all at that time, hugs to all of you 

  • Hope all goes well for the funeral tomorrow.

    we managed 3 days away in a hotel in Bude and the weather was lovely.

    I achieved my goal of walking on the beach with the dog and used my oxygen. I am glad to be home now xx
