Report to moderator button

  • 3 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Good morning everyone.

I don’t usually start Monday morning with a moan but I feel I must put my frustration out there. I really enjoy scrolling through this forum, I don’t have a lot to say and don’t join in very often but I really enjoy reading everyone’s posts, mostly the posts make me smile and sometimes they put things in perspective. Anyway to my gripe. As I scroll through some posts reading them I have discovered I sometimes catch the report to moderator button, I don’t mean to it just happens, what gets me frustrated is I can’t cancel my mistake. The only way I can see to get rid of the prompt is to hit report, and I don’t want to do that because I know I caught the button by accident in the first place. Does anyone know how you can cancel this mistake once you have made it? I really don’t want to offend anyone or loose any of the lovely friends I’ve made on here.

have a great day all from a very fed up 



  • No worries. It happens all the time. Moderators know what to look for in the unspeakable department.

  • Hi Donna. The flag to the moderator button is something that has been discussed many times with the moderators. It is too easy to accidently hit the flag to moderator button, especially on a mobile device. The moderators are aware of this and is something they are looking to change on the site, but unfortunately it is not an easy fix for them. 

    Can I reassure you about the process that happens once a post has been flagged. The post then sits in the moderator's inbox until they are able to look at it. If it is during the day, it is a quick process, and the post will be automatically put back on the site. If it is overnight, they will action this first thing in the morning. 

    If you do flag the post in error, you can always email the moderators to make them aware so they can action that for you. You can also raise your concerns with them there about the flag button or any other issues you might have with the site xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Donna (    ).  have what I can only describe as jerking fingers caused I think, by nerves pinched in my back. I regularly hit the Flag to moderator button as a consequence of that, sometimes more than once a day. Immediately, I send an email to the moderator, apologising for my error. I always receive a very pleasant response, saying that they understand and not to be concerned. Actually I've just done that very thing, I might not be able to post this for a while!

    I have brought up the Flag to moderator button several times with them, it will be fixed but there's a question of time. I used to do programming at uni in my spare time and it's relatively simple to insert a dialogue box when you click on the Flag to moderator button that'll pop up every single time with a question saying "Do you really want to...." You'll see many examples of that in practice such as when you want to exit a Channel 4 programme in the All 4 app on a smart TV. It asks "Are you sure you want to leave All 4?"or if you are watching something on the My5 app and you want to leave the app, it'll ask "Are you sure you want to exit My5?"

    Just need to wait on change which isn't high up in the fixing list me thinks!

    Take care Donna

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.