Bleak outlook

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  • 53 subscribers

Found out this week I now have brain mets in addition to lung and spine.  Only had results from head scan so far and still have body scan results to come which I know are going to show progression from the worsening cough and back pain I have.

im not sure what radiotherapy I can have as it depends on number of mets - there is more than one but they are small and currently causing no symptoms. Whole brain rt seems a last resort so I really hope they might consider targeted first.

I was about to enrol onto a trial before this news so that’s all gone and of course so has my driving license.  I’ve been working and can do so home from home but I think I’ll give that a rest for now.

what scares me most is the impact on my kids.  My eldest is about to leave home for uni and my middle one is entering her GCSE year.  If I can get through to after her exams then that would be something but things really seem quite bleak right now.

Hoping I will have something more positive to focus on next week 

  • Thank you! I hope so too. My youngest is 11.  All 3 of them are developing into fine young people.  It’s so rewarding to watch so I definitely want to be around to see more.  

  • Thanks Maggie.  Yes it always feels better after some time processing.  Am even starting to see some positives from not driving.  I will just have to enjoy plenty of walking instead.  It’s particularly annoying though as we just bought a brand new car which I was loving driving! Oh well. Insurance will be cheaper I suppose

  • Thank you Ruth.  I hope I can have a good outcome like you and keep goin for a while yet 

  • Thanks Rainie.  I’ve been very fortunate to benefit from trials and delaying treatments over the years and hope I can still do so.  It’s been 5 years now so I’ve done well so far

  • Hi Elysian, sorry to read your news. Your children will help to keep you focussed and positive. My outlook isn't great either, but my team have kept me going for the last eight years. There is hope! xx

  • If I had £1 for the number of times I suggested it gets moved!

    Barb xx

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    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Thanks Annette.  Losing my driving license really rubs salt into the wound  not least because we bought a brand new car two month’s ago. it’s just a pretty ornament on my drive now! Frowning2

  • I have also received the news that scan has shown brain met as well as liver, lung an bones.     However I have just received gammaknife treatment and the specialist seems optimistic that they can zap the tumour.    Try to keep as positive as possible xx

  • Oh Elysian, that is such a shame that you have such a new car. Hopefully things will be resolved soon. Does anyone else in the family drive? Maybe they could chauffeur you around!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Patti, That's great they are optimistic as you know they are usually sitting on the fence when it comes to these things.

    that certainly is good news!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!