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In case anyone here has problems with breathlessness when walking.

i have been checking my oxygen sats and I get breathless walking and climbing stairs. I want to still walk my dog every day.

i have managed to get portable oxygen and was assessed by the respiratory nurse at the hospital and I get it free of charge.

it makes such a difference .

we are planning going to Bude  in a weeks time and I want to walk on the beach I feel  more confident now going.

if anyone wants more details let me know. They cost £2,000 to buy 

  • Hi Ruth, so glad to hear that the oxygen is doing wonders for you. Walking on the beach with a dog, beside the sea brings up delightful memories for me. As a young pup, the dog not me, I took him onto a beach on the Antrim coast. He was a digger at home in the back garden, but when he felt the sand beneath his paws he dug, and dug, and dug.... I had to drag him away eventually. Nice memories.

    Hope you have a wonderful time in Bude.

    Take care and stay safe Ruth 

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Thank you tvman xxx


  • I'm glad you've got this Ruth and it will doubtless allow you to enjoy trips out as you did before, without that awful feeling ruining your time out. As I also have problems in this regard, it would be good to know where to get this for the future. Also, is it bulky and/or heavy to carry?

    Many thanks. Rainie x

  • Hi Rainie,

    It is in a shoulder bag and not too heavy it was so much easier to walk not puffing like I normally do.

    it recycles the air and you set it at how many litres a minute 3 or 4.

    you can charge the battery at home xxx


  • Hi Ruth, I'm so pleased to hear you have something that helps. I am glad they have supplied it for you, it will make your life easier, that's the way it should be.

    Now you can properly enjoy your break in Bude which is fantastic!

    We are going to Salou on 30/9. First time abroad for years. Before that I'm having my 5th Covid booster next week and an Ultrasound on the 29th, so no rest for the wicked!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thank you Annette,

    I hope you have a good time in Salou. We have been there and it is flat for your mobility scooter 

    I haven’t been offered my 5th jab


  • Hi Ruth, Yes Salou is great, we've been there before a few times. However I can't take my buggy as it comes in pieces so it will fit in the car and planes will only take one piece buggies. We normally take the wheelchair on holiday which is very lightweight and folds well. It also have a long pouch that attaches to the back for holding my elbow crutches, so I can get up and down as I feel like it!

    If you have had the 4th booster less than 12 weeks ago they will not invite you for the next one until your 12 weeks are up.

    Here we can phone and book a Covid jag along with our flu jag. Maybe they do the same in your council, if you check up on the local website, you will see!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thank you so much. It has definitely Gavi en me a boost that I don’t need to panick or worry due to breathlessness xx


  • A wheelchair will be good along the flat promenade.

    i hope to get the covid jab with the flu jab 

    thank you xxx


  • Hi Ruth, Both my husband and I were given an appointment (6mins apart) to get Covid booster plus flu jag at same time.

    When we got there, I was told they had made a mistake as it had only been 10weeks since my last booster, so was just given flu jag and a date for Covid booster.

    My husband had both and was very ill for almost 48 hours afterwards. He was shivering then going hot, he could hardly move his arm ( the arm they gave Covid) he was in bed all of the following day. I was so glad I didn't have mine at same time, as I was looking after him, taking him tea,toast and paracetamol up to bedroom. Thank heavens for my stairlift or I'd never have been able to do it!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!