RE. Phone appt.

  • 6 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi everyone. Well, I had my phone appt, but it was a nurse who rang me and not the consultant. She explained that no further treatment was planned for me and asked if I'd heard from palliative care team. I said I hadn't so she will look into it. She and the consultant had discussed my case prior to phone call and think I might have another 2 years. I enquired about immunotherapy but she didn't think it would be suitable for my cervical cancer, but would discuss the possibility with my consultant and get back to me. Meanwhile they will review my case in a couple of months or so and maybe another scan.

   I mentioned the bleeding that I'm having. I had been told by another consultant that it could be controlled by medication. The nurse said there is a risk of blood clots unless it gets too severe that my life is in imminent danger, so not an option at the moment. I have to watch out for signs of anaemia such as dizziness on standing, fainting and becoming very pale skinned.

Better stock up on iron tablets or eat a couple of whole cows a day!

NB. I made an assumption. The lady that phoned me was a doctor as I just printed out the transcript of our conversation on my MyChart online app. My mistake.


  • Hi Ann,

    I hope that you get more helpful responses soon, that do not sound like a reassuring appointment. Good luck with the cows! 


  • Hi Ann, Well I couldn't believe what I was reading when I saw your post. I cannot understand why the consultant didn't phone you himself to discuss if there was anything further they could do! For a nurse to say "she didn't think immunotherapy would work" is just not good enough in my opinion and I would want to discuss that personally with the consultant and not a third party.

    How do you feel about this? I think they should have at least checked the palliative care team had contacted you before telling you there was no more they could do. In my opinion they obviously didn't discuss immunotherapy or the nurse would have given a better answer.

    Please talk to your GP or ask for a meeting with the consultant so that you KNOW what will possibly work and what won't! It's your life, anything is worth a try! Good luck!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I think you could ask for a blood test to check your iron levels to see if you are anaemic 

    research all you can xxx


  • Sorry, I made a mistake. The lady that phoned me was a doctor as I just printed out the letter from MyChart. I obviously wasn't listening properly when she introduced herself and I made an assumption!. She did say that she would discuss immunotherapy with the consultant.

  • Hi Nan, I'm pleased it was at least a doctor who spoke to you but the consultant still has a lot to answer to.

    I agree with Ruth you should ask for a blood test! I've not long had a blood test and I have iron deficiency anemia, it is amazing how much they can tell from a blood test! Good luck!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!