Dream interpretation..

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  • 46 subscribers

This is playing on my mind

I don’t normally remember any dreams I have, but last night I dreamt that I was told I have 8 to 12 months left to live.

I know it’s because I recently had a scan and haven’t had the results yet so it’s playing on my mind.

I was never told a prognosis when I was first diagnosed as I didn’t want to know. I didn’t wanna feel like a ticking clock hanging over me, so that’s why this is playing on my mind I think

  • Hi CharlotteLG, I don't remember many dreams myself, the sleeping mind trying to make scence of the world, if I had completed what some of my dreams were about I would have been in trouble.

  • Charlotte They say dreams, reverse them self's

    though not always.

    I had a dream a few weeks ago, and i still see it.

    I walked into a hall And it was laid out like a wedding buffet, and as i walked in, only one person standing there..

    They where dressed in suit shirt and tie, i walked up to them, and put my hands on both sides of there cheeks s  and said.

    I miss you, and they replied i am waiting for you.

    It was so real, and can still see it, the person, was my husband,

    I then woke up, and smiled, then thought was that my wake,

    Then thought, well i am not going yet, as much as i misshim.

    So i know how yo fill

  • Ellie, that sent a shiver down my spine. I'd love to be dreaming now but my back won't allow it!

    I have many dreams and the subject is usually my former job that I did for 35 years. It's always a dream where I'm at work but there is something wrong and I am having difficulty in resolving the problem. I used to dream about my former work 5 nights in 7 at least. 

    Strange, but I was talking to a woman in my exercise class about it and her eyes widened and she told me that she worked in the same office for 30 years and she also had dreams about her former job often and they too were concerning problems that she couldn't resolve. 

    Weird eh?

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Everyone, I actually remember dreams, although I don't sleep well, when I do sleep The dreams are vivid. I often dream of my parents and when I wake up I feel very close to them and it makes me smile.

    CharlotteLG  I agree with Ellie that you dream the reverse of what's going to happen, so if you are dreaming of 8-12 months left to live, it could mean than within 8-12 months there could be a birth with connections to you. Now that would be nice!

    I have never, as I recall, dreamt of work! I usually dream of good things.

    I agree with you Ellie, don't you dare go anywhere, we need you here!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • There is 1 dream I've had very often from the age of 10.( My mother died when I was 5 ) my dream, I'm ill in hospital  and a doctor says "there is nothing we can do for you" so they put me in a metal box, I'm very afraid, look up and my mum is there staying "don't  be afraid your coming with me" then I wake up. I've had this dream ever since, but not as often since I've had this illness.


  • That is not a nice dream x


  • I also regularly dream about work after 36 years in the NHS 

    im always late for work in my dreams but I was never late when I went to work 


  • Oh Moi, what a lovely dream to experience, so thought provoking.

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • No Ruth when I was young it was every couple of months as I got older about 5 times a year but only about once a year at present xx


  • I’m glad it didn’t upset you xx
