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  • 46 subscribers

Went to my great great neices christening yesterday. Had a lovely day. Felt good, even looked good, food was lovely, 2 wines. All the kids there had a lovely time. Then a woman came over and said very loud "it doesn't look like you've got cancer" first time it was mentioned. My nice marched her out, before I could say a word. Never let it spoil our day. Xx

  • Hi Ellie Kate,

    What a cheek re asking for a second opinion, I might have been tempted to ask "who for, you?" Cheeky beggars!

    Just read your profile, you're doing really well, I hope. We are a little similar that I have bone mets to left pelvis and have had radiotherapy and am currently having chemotherapy. I was told yesterday that my cancer is not suitable for immunotherapy or hormone treatment. 

    Sorry if I am hijacking your thread Moi2, that's usually AAs job haha.

    Amanda x 

  • As if my reputation hasn't been besmirched enough already..

    Now people who don't know me will come to a completely wrong opinion of me.

    Problem is that you are completely right although Ulls is fast catching up with nonsensical posts. 

    I am now demanding my own safe space on here. 

  • Sorry for besmirching AA, can always go to the room, if you need a safe space for a rant, but don't get chucked out again haha,

  • Cograts on your birthday. I sometimes wonder if people don't know what to say