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Went to my great great neices christening yesterday. Had a lovely day. Felt good, even looked good, food was lovely, 2 wines. All the kids there had a lovely time. Then a woman came over and said very loud "it doesn't look like you've got cancer" first time it was mentioned. My nice marched her out, before I could say a word. Never let it spoil our day. Xx

  • Hi . I can totally empathise with you. Just returned from a few days visiting relatives and one said "you look so well, are you sure you have cancer?" I could have decked her! 

    Then there was another occurrence Saturday, went to Fruit and Vegetable show in my old village, was having a great time until I noticed 3 ladies in a huddle looking over towards me, it was so obvious by their expressions and hurriedly averted eyes I was the subject of their conversation. I don't want to be a subject of pity! My bestie noticed it, shot daggers at them and took me for a cuppa & scone. 

    BTW I also think I'm looking good at the moment, not quite sure how to handle Bro-in-law's comment  he said having short spiky hair's taken 10 years off me!! (I'd deck him too but he's coming up to 88 and he's 200 miles safely away from me LOL!

    Don't let the bu****s get you down!

    Hugs, Barb xx

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  • Hi Barb, I've only met the woman once years ago and I told her what I thought of her then. A horror. My family went like a defensive blanket round me ! XX

  • Hi Moi2, So glad you had a lovely day at the Christening, they are very special! How stupid are some people and so insensitive, I'm so pleased your niece put her in her place.........outside, far away!!! And your family came to your rescue which is lovely!

    I have lived so long passed my sell by date, I'm sure some people I don't see often, think I made it all up! I wish!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Why can't people just say

    Lovely to see you!

    and leave at that.

    It's as if they're offended to see you out and about and enjoying yourself!

    It doesn't fit their internal vision of how a 'cancer victim" should look. In their minds (caused by watching too many corny films no doubt)  we should all be led in darkened rooms, looking all pale and interesting, receiving visitors who speak in hushed tones.

    Glad you enjoyed the Christening Moi2 and didn't let that numpty spoil your day.

    And Barb your Bestie sounds like a gem! To protect you like that.

  • You are right don’t let them get you down xxx


  • Omg what an ignorant, inconsiderate b**ch! Your niece did exactly the right thing, get her far away before you and other members of the group tore her to pieces. I wouldn't want to see her ever again. 

    I think I'll compile a tasty sentence or two, learn it off by heart and be ready for such an ignorant person.

    Well done your niece!

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • We have heard this nonsense plenty of times before. Please don't waste precious time on fools.x

  • Hi Moi2,

    Ignorance at its best, pleased she was shown the door.

    Amanda x

  • What does she think cancer looks like I wonder. ?.

  • i had a party for my 60th birthday last Friday and without exception everyone said i looked amazing and i have to say i did but i know that over time not these people who were celebrating with me but other have said things like have you got a second opinion because you dont look poorly and versions of that and they dont like it when you say do you want to swap places . Unfortunately you cant fix stupid!!