Countdown to my op

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Well, today on the wishes of the consultant anaesthetist I stopped taking Clopidogril and substituted aspirin. Clopidogril was given to me for a month after my heart attack almost 11 years ago. Then after my mini stroke about 4 years ago I was started on it again. It's now being withdrawn and substituted with aspirin so I don't bleed all over the place in 7 days when I get my elbow operation that I have waited for over 4 years. Yes, 4 years! The health system here in Northern Ireland is abysmally slow. I have an ulnar nerve trapped in each elbow that is pinched and needs rerouting. It's called Cubital Tunnel Syndrome, similar to carpal tunnel syndrome but in the elbow. Not sure why they're trapped, maybe because I have rested my elbows on the console and door handle of my vans for 35 years during which time I have driven over 1 million miles and I've been subjected to millions of vibrations.

The pain in both elbows wakens me and I haven't had a full night's sleep for over 6 years. Then there's my back pain....

Come 7th of July, my left elbow may be removed from pain and then the consultant and I will have a chat about my right elbow. 

I think I have problems and then  pops up with a post!

Take care everyone and stay safe

Tvman xx

  • I'm glad you get one done at least...hope all will go well and no more pain...BUT i really hope you don't have to wait another 4 years for the other one...fingers crossed.

  • Hi Tvman, As usual here I am not asleep yet and just read about your op. As you are aware, we go on holiday tomorrow (Sunday) and there is no Internet where we are going. However you will be in my thoughts on 7th and I hope it all goes smoothly and works well for you! As Pet has said, don't let it be another few years before the next elbow gets done. If it is decided you are going to get it done, make sure you let them know you would be unhappy about waiting. Once you have recovered from the successful 1st op, just pester them until they take action on the second op. No more Mr Nice Guy!!

    Good luck!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • 7th July is not far away now. I will be thinking of you. Good luck.

    they are looking after you stopping the clopidogrel xxx


  • Have a lovely holiday Annette  It is good you feel well enough to have a holiday. I hope the weather is good for you xxx


  • Hi Tvman

    I hope all goes OK with your op. That sounds very painful and it’s good they are finally sorting it for 1 elbow at least. My wife has had carpal tunnel surgery on both hands and both were a complete success so fingers crossed for you. 

  • Hope everything goes well for you with your ok and hope you don't have to wait too long for your other arm 

  • Good luck. Hope it all goes well. Rainie x

  • Hi tvman so glad your getting your op on 7th, hope you don't have to wait long for the other to be done. Say goodbye to pain in 1 arm. Take care xx

  • Good luck for tomorrow x


  • A heartfelt thanks to everyone who has wished me luck for tomorrow. I've a blood cancer and history of heart disease and stroke so the anaesthetic part concerns me a little. 

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.