Its Me. Knee or Hip replacement, well

  • 15 replies
  • 48 subscribers

I had my follow up appointment from oncologist yesterday, after having scan done 6th June.

Well hooray the cancer is still  stable sigh of    relief, but the scan showed i have two fractures 

 in my pelvis, so not sure now, if it is that that is causing the problem, things can only get better surely. I might not need hip or knee replacement, what a week.

Hope every one is well, enjoy your day.

Ellie xx

  • Hi Great to read the cancer is stable, not so great to read about the fractures, no wonder you are in so much pain. Hope they sort out a speedy resolution.

    Sending gentle hugs, Barb xx

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  • Hi Ellie, It just shows how high your pain threshold is when you can walk about with a fracture on your pelvis!! Can you remember saying OUCH!!! at some point when you injured it? Will it heal on its own or will they need to do something about it?

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • My mother had a fractured pelvis and they didn’t do anything it got better on its own.

    if you can walk about that is good x


  • Hi Annette

    I have been in agony for a while, they  reckon its the chemo and hypnotherapy may have caused  it, in limbo land at moment,

    You have a good holiday and hope the weather is kind.

    Love Ellie x 

  • My husband went to hospital about his knee, xray say not knee but is his hip.

    Sorry to hear 2 brakes,  must be really  painful. Fantastic your still Stable Mable. Take care xx