Its Me. Knee or Hip replacement, well

  • 15 replies
  • 48 subscribers

I had my follow up appointment from oncologist yesterday, after having scan done 6th June.

Well hooray the cancer is still  stable sigh of    relief, but the scan showed i have two fractures 

 in my pelvis, so not sure now, if it is that that is causing the problem, things can only get better surely. I might not need hip or knee replacement, what a week.

Hope every one is well, enjoy your day.

Ellie xx

  • That is good news ellie. Stable Mabel Club can stamp your membership once again. Yay! Can the fractures be helped with supplements and dietary stuff to help them heal? It would seem there is light ahead and not the worrying stuff you feared. Take care of yourself now - no football in the garden or knees up mother brown at my birthday party. I do hope you'll come? Lots of love and hugs from Rainie x

  • Yes stable was good, no idea at moment, waiting to have a scan for bone density, and oncologist is e mailing the doctor who  said knee or hip as he did not have the scan from 6th June, happy days, party mood is beckoning.

    Ellie x

  • That is great news Ellie, not the pelvic fractures though, no wonder you are in pain and thought it was your hip.

    I shall raise a celebration baileys for you tonight Blush 



    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Best wishes for a speedy resolution Ellie, we will be having a slow dance together at Rainies party. X

  • Hi , great news about stable mable but the fractures must be concerning for you. Hope something can be done in that respect.

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Ellie, That's great news! It is only here you could congratulate someone with a fractured pelvis, and  Everyone knows what I mean!

    Stable Mable is a great club to be in. I hope they can help with the pain, now they know what's causing it!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Good news to be stable hope the pelvic fractures aren’t too painful xxx


  • Hi Ellie, glad about the stable mable, concerned about the fractures. I hope that they can be sorted and aren't causing you too many issues. 

    Best wishes 


  • Hi Ellie...stable mable is great...but wow two breaks...not so much fun. I hope they find out fast what to do next...anddddddddd i hope it goes fast!!!! Big hug, Pet

  • Hi Ellie

    Stable Mabel is great news. Obviously not so good about the pelvic fractures but hopefully they can treat those.

    Nigel xx