I'm still here.

  • 20 replies
  • 47 subscribers

It's happened twice now ! 2 members of my husbands family have invited my husband to 

1. A Funeral, I'm inviting our Ray to mums funeral oh I suppose you can come if you want ?

2. Holy communion,  is that you Moira, Oh! I'm just inviting Ray to Ella's communion, I suppose you can come  if you want.

To both I said no thank you, Ray's free to go if he wants .

It's as if I've already gone. These are women I was very friendly with before cancer. We think they think I'm to ill to attend but IM NOT TO ILL. As you can guess they are people who fell off the radar when cancer appeared.  XX

  • Stick it to them Annette. That was a sad day for you and Vince. Xx

  • Hi Annette 

    A terrible loss for Vince and you, Vince's action when he wasn't able to contact his friend meant that his friend was given a chance and didn't die alone. Well done Vince. His friend sadly subsequently died but Vince and you will forever know in your hearts that he was given a chance of life. 

    Where else would you be on the day of the funeral but at Vince's side, giving him support. If the situation were reversed, Vince would 100% be alongside you, that's undoubtedly a given. 

    Oh I wish that the world had more thoughtful couples like you both.

    Take care and stay safe Annette

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Tvman & Artist Assistant, Thank you for your kind replies. I really appreciated that you took the time to think about me.

    However Moi2, I did not mean to hijack your post. What I was trying to say to you was there are always people around who put their foot in their mouth whenever they speak! Honestly they are not worth bothering about. If I had been put in that situation, I'd have said NO to the funeral, especially if I wasn't close to the person who died. But YES to the Communion as it is just lovely seeing the children all dressed up but also letting the morons see what they think is irrelevant!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Yes people can be so thoughtless it is hard coping with the comments sometimes xxx


  • Hi Moi2

    Some people are just ignorant and will never change. They don't engage their brain before opening their mouth.  I get the 'but you look so well' a lot as well.

    Here's one to make you smile. I was at my mother's the other week and had a t-shirt on which explained the concept of wellness (a Primark special). Anyway my mother says - wellness.....   Mm  seems like false advertising to me, you don't look very well either!!!  My own mother!

    Amanda x

  • Moi2 I am so sorry this has happened, and why do we become invisible to people when we have cancer? Like you, I have had to let friends go, because they just don't get it. A very close friend once said to me, Oh I thought you were over that? How anyone is ever over having cancer I don't know. xx


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Annette people just don't think do they?  If they only thought for a second how their words impact another person. But of course they don't know how our lives truly are, and how they will forget their words, but we will not. These are the people that we don't need in our lives. I wish in life there was a block or mute button as there is on most social platforms. xx


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Well Amanda that's us mum's, Rofl my youngest daughter say " just cos your my mum doesn't mean you can say whatever you want " my reply is "I can cos your mine" Take care XX

  • Never mind the current thinking, any backchat should get a clump by return. Never did me any harm. Or did it!!!

  • Unless there was a "control" you who didnt get the clump, then we will never know. But I am sure you are the best Artists Asst you can be.