I'm still here.

  • 20 replies
  • 47 subscribers

It's happened twice now ! 2 members of my husbands family have invited my husband to 

1. A Funeral, I'm inviting our Ray to mums funeral oh I suppose you can come if you want ?

2. Holy communion,  is that you Moira, Oh! I'm just inviting Ray to Ella's communion, I suppose you can come  if you want.

To both I said no thank you, Ray's free to go if he wants .

It's as if I've already gone. These are women I was very friendly with before cancer. We think they think I'm to ill to attend but IM NOT TO ILL. As you can guess they are people who fell off the radar when cancer appeared.  XX

  • A common occurrence I'm afraid. People don't seem to know how to approach you and they're surprised at how well you look. What are they expecting, to be thin and looking like death warmed up? I had an assistant and worked with him for 20 years. I saw him regularly up until a year after I stopped working and from then I haven't heard a word since he said he was coming down to see me.

    Take care and stay safe Moi2

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • hi Moi21

    i know how you feel, people write you off and then wonder why you look so well when they see you, my response to them is “ if you had asked me or spoken to me you would have assumed incorrectly” they usually say why are you being rude I say I’m not being rude, I’m just responding to what you have said. I tend to leave these people to their ignorance if they don’t want to ask then I’m not going out of my way to explain.

    There are some people I know who want to speak about my illness but don’t know how, those I treat very kindly and I explain what my situation is, I usually find after that conversation we can talk about every day stuff and have some fun, those are the people I want around me not people who just write me off and assume.

    stay positive, and have fun hugs 


  • Thanks Donna, I used to tell them we're to go! but I can't be bothered anymore, so I stick to my true friends and the best of my family, a few family are dumped as well for there attitude. Also noticed its the one's I have done alot for in the past . Still positive and strong Muscle  Take care X

  • I’m getting like you can’t be bothered Moi21.

    if people I thought were trusted friends can’t take time to understand then I don’t want to know them, I really don’t have the time to waste on them. I’ve had the same from family as well my mother in particular has been very nasty, so I’m afraid I only speak to her when I must. I get much more pleasure and support from people in this forum and they make me smile too, 

    have a great weekend 


  • So called friends like that aren't worth bothering about but nevertheless we still get upset. 

    I bumped into an old neighbour the other day. "She said "But you look so well!"" As she couldn't take her eyes off my bald head LOL!

    My bestie has proved time and time again she's there for me and sometimes I get a lump in my throat wondering what I did to deserve such a great mate. We met only a few years ago doing a litter pick I'd arranged in my village. We just hit it off immediately, laughing at the same things. I'm Thelma to her Louise! Not planning driving off a cliff at the 'mo.

    My other loyal friend is the one I went to school with 53 years ago! Don't see her much as she lives in Spain but we WhatsApp all the time.

    Other than that my new loyal besties are here in this group, makes me laugh and cry like a good bestie should do!

    Big hugs, Barb xx

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  • Hi Barb, I get the you look well, all the time but I do look well. I've got to the point now I just say hi and walk away. My sister is my back bone she keeps me on my toes. My othere good friend who I had lunch with the othere day is great we just laugh.  We drove around Liverpool putting people to bed then up in the morning. A friend in Winchester and one in Canada we are in regularly touch. Just had tellings off from them foe not telling them I had been in hospital! We'll all be together in July when they visit, can't  wait. Also like you I enjoy all the new friends on here because we all get how we feel and support each othere even when we get silly. Take care Barb XX

  • Assume it wasnt just random people yiu put to bed and got up again! Sorry, was just the way I read it, made me laugh. I assume you were a care worker - one of the indispensable ones we need and yet pay so little.


  • Yes OBS, WE WERE THE HEAVY MOB, hoists, standing aids, end of life care, rolling dressing undressing, feeding. We've made some lovely friends and lost some, sometimes heart breaking xx

  • Hi, As Tvman has said, people don't know how to approach us. My husband's best friend died recently and the funeral was last Wednesday.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Oops, I logged in and it automatically posted my unfinished reply! As I was saying.......

    The number of people who said to me "oh hello, I really did not expect you to be here......&........ I can't believe how well you are looking.......... OR...........I'd have thought the Last place you would want to be at this time is a funeral.

    My answer to them all was, thanks, I am here to support my husband. where else would I want to be but by his side on a sad day like today!!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!