Well what a month that was

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There was a thread where I went into hospital with some odd symptoms. I was admitted on 25th April and within 3 days had a septic shower that scared the hell out of me.  The next two weeks were spent getting my blood levels Back to normal and getting my infection markers back to normal. During that time the feeling in my legs reduced and my legs stopped working completely. So I am no paralysed from the waist down.  There is no surgical intervention that doesn’t have more chance of killing me than helping me. 

Eventually everything was ok for me to leave hospital which happened on Monday so I am now at home in a hospital bed in the living room with a wheelchair and a commode chair which wheels over the toilet when I need it.  I cannot leave the house as we have no ramp, the bathroom needs remodelling and I can’t get in or out of the car so options are very limited. 

so now I’m facing something that I thought may happen in the end but never imagined would happen in a matter of a few days and so soon.  

the cancer journey is different for each of us but boy does it throw some curve balls at you from time to time.

At this point I’m a little all over the place and trying to settle into my new life as a person in a wheelchair, not sure how this is going to work but I have to make it work some how.  

  • Hi Richard, I've just read your thread my thoughts go out to you, what a journey you are on, a very manly hug.

    All the best Ulls 

  • Hi Richard, I am glad to hear that you are home, but sorry to hear about all the problems that you are facing. There is so much for you to get used to and so much to sort out. It must be daunting. 

    Best wishes 


  • Hi Richard

    So sorry to hear your news. This is such an unpredictable journey at times and I wish you all the very best as you adapt and come to terms with it.

    With very best wishes


  • Sorry this has happened to you Richard - cancer is a bastard, and none of us know when a new cliff edge might appear. Your comments re bathroom make me think - I need to think about a walk in shower and not procrastinate ( I ger a gold medal in that).

    Good lcuk with getting the things sorted, and in adapting to a new way of living. You are a pragmatist, but some rage would be normal. Hope your family are coping too, hard for everyone.


  • Oh Richard, I've just caught up here and are so sad to read what has been happening to you. I too am now a wheelchair user, I had an op when they did a decompression of the spine and put in a metal bracket to hold the discs together. I had been getting pins and needles in my legs and hands. I had fallen a few times as my legs would just give way without warning. We ordered a self propelled wheelchair because I was determined to be independent, however, I forgot (really I did!) that when I was diagnosed Stage 4 incurable they discovered tumours had almost eaten through the bone in my arm so I immediately was sent to hospital to have a pin put in from my shoulder to my elbow, so I wouldn't loose the use of my arm. So, with the result, it gets very tired quickly and I can only manage on my own in a shop WITHOUT carpet!

    We also put on a downstairs extension with a large walk-in shower & toilet. We knew it was either that or move house and we love our house! The OT at the local Marie Curie Hospice also arranged a stairlift and a few other things to make life easier.

    OBS I wouldn't wait to put in your walk-in shower, do it asap.

    Richard I know from personal experience that for the first while it is an uphill struggle but I know that you are strong willed, like me, or some would say stubborn. It is certainly not the life I thought I would be living but the fact that I am still living is amazing in itself. Being with my husband and watching our grandchildren grow is definitely worth the effort! Please ask to speak to an Occupational Therapist, who will come to your home and help make you as independent as is possible! You can do this my friend!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Good positive attitude Richard, I can help with any questions on coping or what's available to the disabled. I've been disabled for the last 6 years.


    Love life and family.
  • Hey Richard, This is a bugger for you to deal with. I'm glad you are back home and now back with us after the awful time you've had. A lot of stuff for you to get to grips with, but you are a problem solver Richard and there are a lot of things out there that will help you make this new phase of your life easier. You will soon develop huge biceps and have arms like Popeye. Sending you an extra big hug my friend.  Rainie x