Heard 'The Bell' for the first time today. Mixed feelings

  • 13 replies
  • 50 subscribers

 I was waiting in radiotherapy.

I did stand up. I did clap. And I was genuinely pleased for the person ringing it.

However, there was a part of me that was thinking " how insensitive to have a bell in an area where possibly half the patients, myself included, will never get to ring that bell.

To me, it's akin to putting a person who's just suffered a stillbirth or a miscarriage on a ward full of beaming mothers with their newborns.You just wouldn't do it! Would you?

I'm not against the end of treatment being celebrated in some way but just wish there was a more tactful way of doing it. 

(Obviously none of this applies to children going through this dreadful illness.  They should ring bells every single  day if they want)

  • Hi . The day I finished my recent 6th chemo cycle one of the other ladies rang the bell as she left, I heard the speech, the cheering and clapping, the bell ring and the photos taken.

    One of the junior nurses said to me "Oh, it's your last treatment today isn't it. Do you want the bell rung?" I declined and felt quite gutted to say No, I'll be back within 6 months. She looked so upset I ended up consoling her!

    Hugs, Barb xx

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  • I also sometimes find it strange that the waiting room in my gynae department has a mixture of happy nubile obviously pregnant ladies with nervous, scared looking ladies, some of who are bald!. I do think we should be in different rooms, then we could perhaps chat and support each other.

    Barb x

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    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Yes Barb I get what you say. When I had appointment for Lynch it was a room of the maternity clinic, we had to sit in maternity waiting room. Bit funny really young couples looking at me and my husband both over 60inthe maternity. X