Feeling like a pin cushion

  • 6 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi everyone, I have my telephone appointment with the haematologist at the cancer unit on Friday so I went along to see the nurse at 8.55am yesterday, Wednesday for bloods which can be hit or miss as we know. Out of sight and hiding veins are a problem for most of us. Well, yesterday was the worst ever. The nurse tried 3 times and then she asked the doctor to try and she tried 3 times, all without success. 

I was asked to call back today at the same time and the nurse then tried 4 times and got a trickle of blood, enough to satisfy the lab. So that was 10 times in total before success! Traumatised or what. Lucky I'm not afraid of needles.

Tvman xx

  • Wow!  It does raise a smile when someone who needs to put a cannula in, stares at you and demands "what are your veins like?!" as if we had the ability to maintain them Grimacing 

  • My vains are like that before cancer.I have a port in my arm, put in in Clattabridge, my resent stay in the Royal was eventful, they wouldn't use the port cos they didn't put it in !!!!!!!! So was as you say like a pin cushion one doc tried to put a canular in my foot !!! That didn't  work. Then an elderly nurse walked in and got one in my hand first time. Take care x

  • Well done for coping with it and good they got some in the end.

    my husband has a needle phobia and I go with him for support.

    plucky for me I have good veins and do not mind having injections or blood taken xx


  • Hi all, like Ruth I have good veins, but my wife has diabetes type 1 she is used to giving herself 4 injections a day but because her veins hide she does not like having bloods taken.

    All the best Ulls

  • Oh Tvman, that is horrendous, poor you. As you know, one of the side effects I have is cirrhosis of the liver, so I go to the clinic a few times a year. They took bloods, or at least tried to take them, at the first clinic I went to. Now they send me to the phlebotomist who uses a hand held ultrasound machine to track the vein before they insert the needle, it works a treat. I can't understand why it is not used at the cancer units or more widely in hospitals! It may be worth asking if they have one after what you went through!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Excellent Idea Annette

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.