• 17 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Well, you would have thought I'd know better by now.......but no!

We had a lovely weekend in Pitlochry and got home in the late afternoon. Yesterday I decided to try to do a bit of gardening. I have been trying to find a gardener but people want to cut grass and hedges, they don't want to do any weeding! So now I am suffering badly because I didn't limit the time I was out. I usually set the alarm on my mobile for 20 minutes and then stop for a drink for a while then do the same again. Today, I forgot to set my alarm and I thought I had been outside for about 40 minutes but when I looked at the time, I had been working for over an hour! 
it is now 03.15. am and I have been trying to cope with the pain in my leg for the last two and a half hours. It is burning, jumping,, tingling with electric shocks going from my left hip down to my feet. I have on pain patches, taken Oramorph and sat under a cool shower, trying to get it to settle down but nothing has worked. My husband is working tonight and I am grateful for that as I don't want him to see me in this state.

Before we went away for the weekend, my husbands best friend he has known for well over 30 years, fell at his home. My husband had been phoning him but there was no reply, so he went round to check on him as he has spare keys to his house. He found him lying on the hall floor where he had been for about 24 hours. My husband phoned an ambulance, then his daughter who lives in Manchester. His daughter and her husband drove up and visited him in hospital the same day. The next day, they had just got back from afternoon visiting when the hospital phoned to tell them to get back asap. By the time they got there 25minutes later, he had died 15 minutes earlier. We were all shocked and devastated. They are doing a post mortem tomorrow, so the funeral cannot be organised until next week which is why we decided still to go away for the weekend. The last thing my husband needs it to see me in this state.

It has taken me over 30 minutes to type this as I've had to stop and start. I had hoped that typing this would take my mind off my leg but no such luck and I can hardly see for the tears.      Any suggestions please put on a postcard and send them to hell, which is where I feel I am!  Sorry for the rant!

  • Thanks again everyone for your replies and concern. We won't hear the result of the PM until during the week, so everything is on hold until his daughter has been issued with a death certificate.

    Regarding the garden, I have put adds in Asda, Morrisons, Waitrose, Sainsbury's, the local shops, post office and library. All to no avail. The problem is that although we have taken away some of the garden and put monoblock down (we can now park three cars plus the one in the garage), also slabs in a section in the back garden, we are on a large corner plot, so there is still quite a lot of weeding to be done. We may consider getting a landscaper in, at least to hear what they would suggest but I don't want a concrete garden, I just love my plants. The azaleas are out at the minute and they are stunning! Anyway I'm sure it will work out in the end!

    Pet, the problem with using weed killer is it is a cottage style garden and the weeds grow in between and through the plants, so if I put weed killer down, it would also kill the flowers. You are quite right using it if you can! We get so much rain here, no matter what the season is, that the weeds grow too easily. However I'm not complaining about the rain because that is why Scotland is so green!


    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Sorry about your garden problems. I am very lucky and have a husband who does all the gardening mowing etc. i do plant seeds and grow vegetables which I find rewarding though this year they have been very slow to grow. Just starting to get somewhere now. Luckily we have had some recent rain April was very dry.

    i am looking forward to the summer and azaleas are beautiful you don’t just want concrete in your garden xxx


  • Haven’t heard from you for a while hope you are ok 


  • Hi Ruth, Sorry I haven't been about much recently as I've been struggling a bit. I've had a urine infection (for what seems like forever!) My osteoarthritis has been flaring up quite badly recently too. However the main reason is that I can no longer access this site, since they "upgraded" it, from the iPad I use in bed. When I was awake during the night, I would catch up with the posts. The site does seem a bit disjointed to me these days, having to look at different categories etc.

    I see my GP on Thursday for a cortisone injection in the hope I get a bit of relief. The following week, I get bloods done for the oncologist and just after that, we are all going back to Scarborough again for two weeks. We had a terrific time there last year.

    So how is Nora Ruth doing? She will be getting big already, they are not babies for long. I am sure you will know by now just what I have been saying about how it feels to be a grandparent. I do think that unless you are one, it is difficult to explain the feeling to others. The feeling when you are hugging them is quite overwhelming. I hope you are getting plenty of hugs!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Oh Annette...that's not good. I hope you can feel better soon...enjoy the time away...i wish you a great time and good weather and oops good food!!!!! Winter here...about 13 degrees and windy and grey....cry. lol

  • Hi Annette,

    good to hear from you again I hope the injection helps your pain 

    Nora is still small but has regained her birthweight 

    Have a lovely time in Scarborough xxx


  • Hope that things are feeling better Annette. Waterworks problems really get you down. I hope it gets sorted. Hugs. Rainie x