Sex and chemo

  • 15 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Good morning everyone

I hope this doesn't put you off your breakfast! I just wondered if anyone knew if there's a chance that traces of chemo drugs can be passed to my husband if we had sexual intercourse. 

My last chemo was on Thursday and I'm on a chemo-free week next week and we're taking that opportunity to go away for a few days. It would be lovely to have sexy fun times again as I do sometimes miss it! And I feel it would bring some normality to the situation. But I don't want to pass anything on to him.

This may not be the best place to ask but I feel safer here than in other more public groups.


Christine x

  • Hi Christine, how lovely to get away for a few days. Just what you need to re charge your batteries.

    I think it depends on what chemo cocktail you are on. If it is a high dose they would of advised you not to have close contact with anyone. Maybe a call your CNS would put your mind at rest. 

    I know when my sister was having chemo I did joke that I would know if they were having sex because her husbands hair would fall out. 

    Joy Joy


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • JoyJoy

    Thanks Chelle, that's a good idea, thank you. I'll see a nurse on Tuesday for line care before we go so I'll ask her then.

    Thanks again


  • Hi Chrustine. We were told that by my Macmillan nurse when I started chemo thatt is important to be intimate. The only reason I cannot say things were great was because my hormone treatment combined with the continuing worry about dying put the kibosh on my get up and go!

    A call would confirm but I see fun times ahead for you! What a lucky husband.!

  • When I was having chemo they said to use condoms for sex and not to kiss. We didn't take the advice, but that was our choice. My husband is not showing any ill effects so far. I do understand your concern about passing anything on though.

    I hope that you have a lovely time

    Best wishes 


  • Thanks Ted, it's interesting to know the advice you got from your Macmillan nurse.

    I'll ask on Tuesday and hopefully we'll have a fantastic holiday!!



  • Hi Sal

    I haven't been told anything about using condoms/not kissing so maybe my drugs aren't too strong - on palliative drugs now. We don't kiss on the lips until Sunday night after having chemo on Thursday. I think my husband read something about that so we've stuck to that rule. Really don't fancy going back to condoms! But, if needs must i suppose....



  • The nurse said condonmes and no kissing on lips, so have a lovely break xx

  • I'm sure you'll be able to use your imagination and have fun, even if full intimacy is avoided. All those endorphins rushing round your bods will make you feel great. Have a lovely time, whatever you do together.  Rainie x

  • Anne Summers are looking for advisors if you find yourself at a loose end Rainie?

  • Thanks Ted, but I've an aversion to cheap nylon and plastic. It's not good for the planet.  Rainie x