
  • 31 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Well it's that time of year again. Yesterday and today the bland diet and uou no what tomorrow. Had my easter egg Saturday and I have another for after procedure tomorrow so looking forward to the egg. (Richards poem comes to mind ) lol

  • So that’s 2 good reasons why you need to contact your team, the blood loss and pain relief. You should be able to speak to someone in palliative care to help with pain management. 

    Do you mind me asking what happens when your treatment stops as yours has?  I thought oncology then discharged you as you are no longer having treatment and are referred back to your general practitioner? Bit naughty of the nurse as well not to call the surgery herself and arrange for you to be seen. I know when my mum was home after treatment had stopped, she had a Macmillan nurse come in, and a GP would call on her. I would of thought with low blood pressure and with the blood loss you have described she should of been more on the ball. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to chellesimo

    It's a weird one because I've been told I've been discharged but I haven't had it official yet they said I would hear from the GP and receive a letter but nothing yet. And I should have a new team but I don't yet they are meant to be getting in touch. They say everything is slower because of Covid but it feels more like they just forgot me. I didn't think much of the nurse either, she didn't have a very caring manner and made me feel like I was wasting her time. She said my blood pressure was likely my lack of fluids as the root cause and when I said about the bleeding she said it was a "little" bleeding. I'm not always great at explaining here or in real life to be honest, wish my dad had been with me he would have explained better.

  • please accept my apologies I have become aware that I have taken your post off track. I hope you enjoy your Easter egg and Corrie tonight. From a fellow Corrie fan.  I think Toyah has an ulterior motive for getting back with Imran x 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • She wants the baby, othere wise she'd have probably stayed clear off him xx

  • This is utterly ridiculous Glitters. You will be dead as this rate. Get straight into your GP or any of the team that you have numbers for. You cannot be left. You have exchanged your team for your GP, get them working for you.

    I am no longer having treatment but my GP is keeping an eye on my progress. My Macmillian nurse is also at the end of the phone and I am not as sick as you.

    Get yourself sorted, your family will not be happy at the way you have been treated and certainly will be unhappy if you progress to the end unnecessarily.

    Blood loss and blood pressure troubles, get on the phone or get your Dad to talk to someone on your behalf. I have never heard of someone with terminal cancer being treated as if you are in the third world.

  • That’s exactly what I’m thinking. X 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ted

    I'll get my dad to call for me as I'm no good at dealing with this. Hugs xx

    Sorry for taking over your thread here. I forget which ones I'm on at times.

    Enjoy your Corrie tonight xx I haven't watched it for long time.


    Jess xx

  • Hi Jess , I've just been catching up on what has been happening, I'm so glad to hear that your colonoscopy went well, I'm sure you are too. Bet that egg was soooo tasty. I am not that keen on eggs, I am given one every year by Mrs Tvman and almost every year it gets put in a kitchen until either Mrs Tvman or my son asks me if I'm going to eat it and I say that if they want it they can have it. 

    Take care and stay safe

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • The idea of an egg is nice I eat mine and my husbands over several days x


  • Thanks tvman, I do luv chocolate, but have to only have a bit at a time, type 2 diabetic, diet control, try to be reasonably good Thumbsup xx