Slow release morphine and breathing problems!

  • 2 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Morning everyone, 

I’ve been taking 12 hour slow release morphine tablets for a few months now and have recently increased my dose due to pain from stage 4 lung mets.

My question is, has anyone suffered with breathing issues whilst taking slow release morphine? Since I’ve increased my dose I’ve noticed my breathing has become laboured and I struggle to do simple tasks/movements without struggling to breathe and getting panic attacks.

I’m due to see my consultant on Monday, but just wanted to reach out and see if anyone has had a similar experience?

Kim xx

  • Good morning Kim 

    I have been taking slow release morphine tablets (MST) for a back deterioration problem since 2015. I have severe pain and I had to become wheelchair dependant in 2016. I was taking, at a peak, 130mg twice a day. The Chronic Pain Clinic doctor in my local hospital asked me to come down from that high amount to 70mg twice daily which I did without any withdrawal symptoms. I'd say my pain level is even more excruciating if I'm on my feet for too long ( more than a minute. Happily my breathing did not become laboured. What you are undergoing sounds awful and hopefully your consultant can shed light on your experiences.

    Take care and stay safe Kim 

    Tvman x

    Love life and family.
  • I have lung mets that have grown in size. I take zomorph twice a day and now take oramorph to help my breathing. My palliative care doctor and oncologist say that taking morphine can help your breathing 

    the morphine slows down my breathing and stops me panicking which I can do when I get breathless.

    my breathlessness I am sure is caused by the lung mets. I do monitor my Oxygen sats I bought a pulse oximeter from Amazon xx
