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Hello, I know most of you must be aware, but you may be able to claim ESA, if unable to work and PIP support. 
Macmillan have been really helpful in helping me to claim PIP for my cancer, as it’s incurable. 
Just making people aware in case you are not. 

If you are unsure, ask Macmillan and they will help you. 

love jane xxx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hii Jane, aww that's fab! Heart️ I'm so glad to hear you had a nice day today. Lunch sounds very nice.

    It sounds like they were really helpful and supportive with you. I'm glad they were able to help you with it. I'm going to call tomorrow if I'm feeling good. 

    Hugs and love xx

    Jess xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Moi2

    Hii Moi2, I'm so glad that they helped you claim. Sounds like they are really helpful and supportive. I've messaged once, just for support when I was low and the woman was so helpful and kind. I'm going to call tomorrow just to see xxx

    Jess xx

  • Jess looking at your profile with a 3 to 6 month prognosis I believe there is a fast track process you will qualify for so hopefully a bit less paperwork than the government normally throw at people 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Hi Jane, Yes it is good to talk about these things here as no one really lets you know what you can claim for.

    I was referred to our local MARIE CURIE HOSPICE after diagnosis by my GP. A while later, they had a talk on benifits and up to that point I had not claimed anything. I applied for DLA (now known as PIP) and got it. Then one afternoon much later the Occupational Therapist gave a talk and i discovered that for certain things you can claim for a reduction in Council Tax. Once she explained things, i told her I did not think i was elegible as we had added an extension of a toilet and shower room downstairs because we didn't want to move house, so that was our choice!

    It turns out if you are using a room in your house to store medical equipment like oxygen etc you can apply for a reduction but it also applies if you have added a toilet or shower room because you need it. The OT got me the form and we filled it in together. Not only were we granted a reduction (equivalent to a band lower) but they back dated it to the date we first installed it! We were delighted.

    People should ask McMillan or Marie Curie or Social Services just what they may be entitled to. Mostly they are not made public!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi Ann. That’s interesting, as my husband has literally just finished adding a toilet downstairs fir me, as we needed it. 
    Not sure who to ask though 

    Maybe,  I’ll ask Macmillan 

    Thank you xx 

  • Hi Jess, have you been in contact with the teenage cancer trust? They would help you with anything you may be entitled too, and there is also an online community for teenagers with cancer.  X 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to chellesimo

    Hi Chelle, thank you so much. Yes I've spoken with teenage cancer trust before and they were very helpful. I hadn't thought of talking to them about claiming, I still have to talk to Macmillan about it actually. I'll give it some thought not sure who to ask about it.

    I didn't know there was a community, thanks for telling me about it! I will check that out as well ^-^

    Lots of hugs x

    Jess xx

  • Jess I am so sorry you have not been told about this before! The teenage cancer trust is an amazing charity for teenagers, and it is so important for you to be in communication with your peers. I’m sorry your team have let you down by not making you aware of this, that is very disappointing to hear.

    I hope you are able to join and get the same  support that you have received here x 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to chellesimo

    Hi Chelle, my team were great in the beginning but I have felt a bit let down and abandoned since my cancer first spread. They just seemed to give up on me and the support stopped. Thank you for telling me aboHeartt it though, I will have a look at it and hopefully be able to join as well Heart

    Big hugs to you xx

    Jess xx

  • Hi Jane, I know the Occupational Therapist at the hospice contacted the Social Work Department of my local counsel. Someone from there contacted me and arranged to come to the house to meet me about 9 days later. As well as organising the Council Tax rebate she also arranged for a stair lift and grab rails for our front and back door.

    I wonder if you have contacted McMillan yet? If not maybe do that tomorrow. I realise every council works differently but you won't know what you are entitled to, until you ask! Good luck, please let me know how you get on!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!