
  • 58 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hello, my name is Jess, I'm new here and it was suggested I join this group so here I am.

It's lovely to meet you all.

Best wishes,

Jess xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ownedbystaffies

    Hii ownedbystaffies, thank you so much for your lovely message Heart️ It is so nice to meet you. I'm just sorry it has to be here because of rubbish situation.

    It's so sad that we're all here to be honest, but I think we do have that in common, yes the cancer but also determination not to give in and to keep going and have the best lives possible. I think Heartyou're all so inspiring, I've read a lot of your bios and seen what you've been through as well and that makes me even more determined. I read your bio too - I hope you don't mind. I'm so so sorry toHeartread everything you've been through, it's obviously been really hard for you and my heart goes out to you Heart️ How are you doing now? I really hope you are doing better and things are looking brighter for you! No body should have to go through all this. It's awful. I do try to be positive when I can be but something the negativity and sadness gets through! Luckily I do have the worlds best sister and she's usually ready to give me a hug ^-^

    Aww your dogs sound lovely and sweet! xx I think animals can make a huge positive difference! They sound lovely. 

    Are you still able to read much? I love reading and escaping from the real world for a little bit.. But at the moment my eyes get so tired so fast. But thank you for saying about audio books, that's a fab idea! I'm going to look into that today as I would like to read/hear a book as it's been a while.

    Hehe my music tastes... Well I do like Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Adele and Dua Lipa... My sister does as well but my dad can't stand it lol xD I do like some older music though, I love Michael Jackson and Duran Duran. But I do prefer more "today" stuff.

    Thank you for the welcome. I hope you have a lovely day xx

    Jess xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Hii Tvman, it is so lovely to meet you as well Heart

    I want to say how sorry I am to hear about your cancer and that things got worse and you're now in a wheelchair. That must have been awful and so devastating for you. I am so so sorry and I send you all the hugs and love in the world xxx I can totally see and understand why you felt so low after this. I'm so sorry! Xx If you ever need to talk, vent, scream... You can always talk to me anytime. I'm glad you had counselling, hopefully it helped you xx I don't have counselling, but it is something I've thought about. My sister is so much fun she's lovely, I love her to bits. 

    Awww so cute, your dog sounds absolutely adorable and lovely! ^-^ I think that is so sweet that he lay beside you when you weren't feeling well. Dogs are so smart they know when you need them. I'm glad you have him with you xxx

    Hehe yes I saw the hearts all over my post lol. I tried to get rid but it kept them anyway. I might have to stop using hearts I think xD 

    Thank you so much for your lovely message! I really hope you are feeling well today and that you have a great day! I'm thinking of you xxx

    Best wishes and hugs,

    Jess xx

  • Hello Jess,

    I'm on a course at the moment so am here catching up a bit. Welcome to our gang and as I'm sure that everybody before me has already said what I would have, I won't repeat it all. Hope to get to know you a bit and if you'd like to do anything on the arty side, please message me for some projects that I would be happy to e-mail to you.[you don't have to be able to draw or paint anything or have any experience]. Take care, Rainie x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Rainieday

    Hii Rainie xx it's so lovely to meet you Heart️ Thank you for your lovely message. I'd like to get to know you better to, I'm sure we will meet and talk a lot here, if I ever get annoying let me know and I'll go away ^-^

    Ooh do you like art? Slight smile I would love to do some art, I'm not great at it but I do enjoy it. I can't see how to message you, do I need to be a member for longer to do that? 

    Have a very lovely day Rainie xx

    Best wishes,

    Jess xx

  • To message people, you have to be friends with them first. 
    Click on Rainie's name - where you read a . Then the Friends tab then Connect.   to Wait for them to accept
    To message, click on your profile in the top right corner.  Then profile, > friends.  Find their avatar then you'll have a + connect or message option.  

    It's available as soon as you join - no vetting process.  Of course Jess, we have all been impressed with your youthful maturity, and cheery demeanour - you'd qualify no problem Heart 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Mmum

    Hii Mmum, thank you so much for explaining how it works for me. It is very appreciated, thank you so very much! Heart️ I will always ask first though I won't just presume to add people.

    Aww thank you so much for your kind words. That's really lovely of you to say :) You are such a lovely and kind person. Xxx

    Bestest wishes to you,

    Jess xx

  • Hi Jess, 

    Welcome, but sorry that you are here especially at such a young age. You show a lovely bright spirit in your posts, I hope that you stay with us.

    Best wishes 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Salis

    Hi Sal, thank you so much! HeartRoseYellow heart It is so lovely to meet you! Thank you for your kind words. I'm hoping to be here every day if possible xx

    Best wishes,

    Jess xx