
  • 58 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hello, my name is Jess, I'm new here and it was suggested I join this group so here I am.

It's lovely to meet you all.

Best wishes,

Jess xx

  • No idea, strange things always happen with IT

  • It is definetely a good way to just chat whatever and whenever you want it.

    Do you have a favorite Disney?

  • Hi Jess, welcome to the group, but so sorry you find yourself here. 

    If you click on our profile picture ( or arm chairs for many it seems today ) you can go to our profiles where you can read a little about us. It may give you an idea of what to pop on your profile too. Some people keep it brief, where others use it as a time line through their diagnoses. Almost like a diary of events which you can update as you go along. X 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Jess and a big hello - it can be a big step to post here.  

    Armchairs are the default avatar if you don't upload a custom one.

    This group is a positive one and we like to have a laugh.  We are very pragmatic about our situation.   Someone on here will always understand how you are feeling.    

    I like your dog.  

    Claire xx

  • Also Jess, we have members from all over so if you wake in the middle of the night someone might be on line.

    Pet from Australia, Leonie from Switzerland, Kiwi gal in UK at the moment but in NZ for a holiday shortly.I

    Then of course those of us who don't sleep well due to pain or medicatiion.

    Annette, Tvman, Remoh. I

    Night night x

  • Hi Jess...and welcome here. We are an odd bunch but very nice and helpful also very funny sometimes lol

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to chellesimo

    Hi Chelle, it's so lovely to meet you! Thank you for your message and for saying a bit about the profiles, I've added a little to mine already but may update it when I'm feeling more comfortable and less depressed. 

    I hope you have a beautiful day.


    Jess xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Mmum

    Hi Claire, so so nice to meet you! Xx

    Thank you for your message! Yes I've met so many positive and fun people already. It's great to see actually. It's just a shame what's brought us all here.

    Thank you Heart️ her name is Eve. That pic was taken a few years ago, I'm sorry to say I'm not looking nearly as nice now.


    Jess xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ted

    Ooh wow so many people from all over! That's amazing. Sad that so many people are affected by cancer but it's good we can all be together Heart

    The pain sucks doesn't it. You're so tired but you literally can't sleep sometimes, I hate it when it's like that. Thankfully last night wasn't too bad X

    I hope you slept well xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Pet1968

    Hi Pat.. thank you so much! I'm sorry we have to meet here like this but it is lovely to meet you and everyone else xx