Embarrassing moments please?

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I have just popped into town, parked my car up, saw some people walking past, and then  knelt loudly,  on my horn….. don’t you love it when that happens Joy 

I just needed a bit of attention..not! 

  • Car horns are a pain, forever getting in the way!

    Embarrasing moments are too numerous to mention, but one which sticks with me is going for a job interview which was held in a community hall. I had the interview, which went okay, but as I walked away in my interview heels, I slipped on a newly polished floor and ended up in a heap in the doorway. The panel rushed over to me to help me up. I didnt get the job.

  • Mine was an interview difficulty as well. I can remember it like yesterday, it was probably 2o years ago. I was taken for the interview via a complicated route. I am useless at directions. I knew I would get the job but all I could think of was how to get out off the building back to the car park.Of course I got lost, ended up in an open office and somehow got out. Traumatised!I

  • Same thing happened to me - went to Manchester for a civil service interview it was in a large and imposing building. I did the tests, had the interview and then ended up wandering round the building trying to find the way out, coming upon dead ends, locked doors, no people and getting more and more panicked. Eventually I did happen upon someone and was directed to an exit - completely different one to the one I had entered by. Given I was meeting someone at the original entry point, I had to walk round the whole building. I got that job ( but I do wonder in these days of cctv if they would have howled with laughter and decided I was too stupid to join the civil service)

    The interview where I fell into a heap was for a charity for the visually impaired. I bet they thought I would be a risk to any visually impaired people I came into contact with, if I was prone to falling over all the time.

  • Oh i remember, i had to stop on traffic light, and when it did turn i put my foot down,,,,,and boom, my excorst did fall off and my car sounded like a tank...soooo loud. Everyone was looking...but i had to keep driving as i cannot stop in the middle of intersection. Never forget it.

  • I was working in a large department store eons ago. The staff toilets were upstairs by the office. Came out of the toilets passed the office on the way to the staff room to be stopped by a colleague who informed me i had tucked the back of my skirt into my pantyhose.  Made my way walking backwards to the toilets. Oh the shame! But so thankful she told me before I started serving the customers again. 

  • Hi kiwi gal, several weeks ago my wife and I tried a new entrance in a local supermarket, we noticed that there was a lift so we got in pressed the down button and turned to face the doors, which did not open, the lift said going up, to prevent this I pressed the down button again, this happen twice more before I realize that the lift had doors on both sides, we left the lift laughing, then I noticed a security camera pointing at us, I hope the security staff laught as much as we did, silly OAPs.

    All the best Ulls

  • Brilliant story, made me laugh to read it.

  • Something similar happened to me, but the car conked out as I approached a roundabout on Birmingham's ring road. There were 3 lanes and I was in the middle. It was a company car and a useless Ford Escort, which I hated - it was always going into the garage and was very unreliable. I put the hazard warning lights on and sat there hemmed in by vans and cars going past, the drivers swearing at themselves as I was holding them up. After a bit I was sandwiched in between two buses.

    The bus drivers both got out and pushed me off the roundabout and down a side road where there was a phone box - no mobiles then - and I was able to ring the RAC. By then I so stressed I'd begun to feel ill - and it was freezing cold with snow in the air. One of them pulled out a tube of Murray Mints and offered them round. Then they casually returned to their buses, which were full of gawping passengers, and off they went after their act of being good samaritans.   Got a Nissan shortly after.  Rainie x

  • It is lovely how people will help when cars break down 

    I have had strangers help me in the past xx


  • Hi, what a show of human kindness, creditworthy. I'd always help someone in need, you never know when you might need help yourself.

    About 50 years ago I was helped in a very, very big way. My two brothers and I had fallen into Belfast lough. I had fallen in first, my next oldest brother had tried to help me and then our oldest brother leapt over the rail without thinking to try to help us but he couldn't swim, not that we were much better.

    Anyway, a small crowd had gathered and a young lady dived in and rescued my two brothers then climbed out and shook her head because by now the outgoing tide had taken me out some distance. I saw her and my heart dropped. Than along came Wonder Woman. She strippedl.a few clothes off and dived in and swam towards me

    Bear in mind that by this time I had been spending as much time with my head below water as it was above water. I was really in survival mode. She reached me and asked me to turn on my back and not to struggle. I did exactly as she asked. She reached the shore and I climbed out and was promptly sick due to all the sea water I'd swallowed. 

    I remember my dad taking me to see the girl who saved my life and gave her £5. So over the years I thought about it, like how could you forget? Then I had the incurable cancer diagnosis and I thought about it more. I wrote to the One Show and with their help I appeared on the One Show to publicly thank my Wonder Woman. Turned out she was a member of the local life saving club! I hadn't seen her for 42 years.

    And that's why I will ALWAYS help someone in need.

    Take care and stay safe everyone

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.