My poor wee flowers

  • 55 replies
  • 48 subscribers

We had extremely warm weather 2 weeks ago so I planted out some bedding plants, lovely primroses. Yesterday it snowed all day, no joke, all day with flakes the size of 50p coins in the morning.  Look at them today...I feel pretty guilty for planting them out too soon.

Bloomin' Scottish weather and false spring!

  • Hi Leonie4410 and welcome, please do not ignor Ted, you can keep the snow, is nice on postcards, but give me the sun every time.

    All the best Ulls

  • Tulips with snow - April 1st from my neighbor

  • Of course Ulls is correct. We like cows with bells, yodelling and, for some of us like the funny clothes. We can't cope with our own snow let alone professional amounts. So Leonie, to avoid an international incident, nice flowers only! We like you otherwise.

  • Welcome to the gang Leonie. Sorry you have a need to join us but you'll find we're a friendly bunch of people and we're all in the same boat. It's a while since I was in Switzerland - went to Bern so I could visit the Paul Klee Museum. Wonderful. All good wishes. Rainie x

  • May be I should have shown this from very sunny and 20°C March days. I like the prejudices since I'm not native Swiss - and they are all so limited to very few Alp regions. Living in the 3 country region (CH-DE-FR) is actually quite nice and it doesn't rain always (like in UK???, haha). 

    Actually I picked up photography again, and I find I look much more focussed on everything. It grounds me and helps me to look ahead.

  • Hi your plant looks like a bleeding heart, I have one in my front garden it's about 15 inches at the moment, it's a lovely plant but flowers don't last very long.

    All the best Ulls

  • So you came on, caused a big upset and then said you are not Swiss. Send some Swiss choc to our group asap. Luckily we forgive easily. Xxx

  • "Big Upset"? I am not sure if this kind of comments are like welcome. I find that I get rather sensitive these days and don't need to be critisized even for such simple matters. In my former cancer-free life that would not have been a problem, but is that what I have to expect now by posting "everything"?

  • Sorry Leonie, I have misjudged the situation and not for the first time. I was just looking to amuse you. I didn't mean anything I said seriously. We love new people in here and I am going to be in trouble with my friends for offending you.

    Can only apologise sgain. X

  • Lovely tulips 

    our daffodils have lasted well this year x
