My poor wee flowers

  • 55 replies
  • 48 subscribers

We had extremely warm weather 2 weeks ago so I planted out some bedding plants, lovely primroses. Yesterday it snowed all day, no joke, all day with flakes the size of 50p coins in the morning.  Look at them today...I feel pretty guilty for planting them out too soon.

Bloomin' Scottish weather and false spring!

  • Sorry about your flowers and the weather.

    It is cold and raining here today xx


  • Yes Liverpool is cold and grey. When we had good weather a few week ago  I got my garden ready for the spring, sitting out , but back in doors. But the ground work is done. X

  • Well we had the pleasure of your daffs so it wasn't wasted effort. Things come back, I mean, look at me!

  • Hi christeeniee, sorry to see your flowers, it snowed here but only a wee bit, my plant's have survived.

    It's been very cold strong winds so no sitting outside or walks along the beach, lots of online chat with grandson, and a visit from our daughter, and a trip to the local pub, no so bad all considered.

    All the best Ulls

  • Sorry about the flowers Christeeniee, but I can't help but be envious of the snow! We haven't had any here for several years, only light dustings which never come to anything. Hope the flowers survive x 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • We had ca 5cm snow and ca -5°C. Now the farmers worry about the cherries etc. Every year the same. BTW I live close to Basel, Switzerland and are a newie in this group.

  • Hello Leonie. Our group is becoming very exotic with members from everywhere. Welcome and keep the snow to yourselves please!

    Please post anything and everything. We love reading about other people's lives.

    Plenty of knowledge to be found here. Xx

  • Hi  your primroses will probably survive, all good garden centres won't be selling summer flowering plants at this time of year.. of course there is always a renegade. Wholesale suppliers won't distribute them either. 

    I have a couple of tomato plants in my greenhouse that I bought in Dobbies that are surprisingly much larger than the ones I'm growing from seed myself on a sunny windowsill. The forecast a couple of days ago was for frost so I popped a large clear plastic bag over the two in the greenhouse for double protection.

    Fingers crossed for both of us!

    Take care and stay safe Christeenie

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • A warm welcome to the group . Hope you find help and happiness from a very supportive group.

    Tvman x

    Love life and family.
  • Wecome to the group Leonie, but sorry you find yourself here. Please ignore Ted, share the snow! The last time I saw snow was 2018 in Oslo where it was -8 and we went to the Christmas markets. It was magical X


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge