Please post. Something. Anything.

  • 144 replies
  • 52 subscribers

As has been said before there are loads of members who do not post but get pleasure, help and useful information by just looking at what has been posted. We have always welcomed the lurkers as one day they may become posters and give support to one of us.

There used to be a regular nightshift on here, people who don't sleep well or live in a different country with a different time zone.

We have an Aussie, a Kiwi and a yank who  used to entertain us. Annette who is half owl was a regular.

So no excuses, if you are awake then post.

You are leaving yourself open to more of my drivel if you don't.

Now of course we have chums who aren't doing so well at present, they may not be up to posting but might get a bit of comfort when they see their friends in here. Best wishes to all of them.

That's it.

  • Oh I've got that before.  I worked out the word that triggered it: (b10therapeut1c).  

  • Well I won't be posting that any time soon unless I'm drunk!

    How easily I get into trouble.

  • Right, next shift on duty. Me in bed watching some old rubbish. I will be talking the same soon!

  • I just woke up now...still warm here, around 25 degrees, nice autumn . I did not feel right the last few days, just a bit of tummy ache and feeling bah...if you know what i mean. Did not feel like eating much soooo i lost 4 kilo woohooo not bad. But i hope it will go away now. Sweet dreams, Pet

  • Everyone knows what feeling bah means, it's exactly what it sounds like, miserable.I

    Don't do too much, try to relax and don't lose anymore weight, we like what you are, our favourite Aussie Pet.x

  • Shouldn't you be sleeping??? tztz

  • It's early still, though I have been sleeping better recently. 


  • Hi Ted and everyone! Yes I've had one or two of those warnings. I think the scraping the ***** of the ******, they think you are there too! Doh! I suppose there must be Buzz words, like underwear etc!

    Anyway about the postings! Yes I am a night owl, I don't sleep much due to pain and I used to chat on the site regularly in the wee small hours. But then the walls started to have ears and you had to be very careful what you were saying, which was not for me. I used to love the joking about when Sit (Simon rip), Norberry and others were here, talking about the naughty step etc. it was just banter and a welcome rest from the medical stuff we were all going through. 
    Now it is a hit or miss whether I get signed on to the site or not. I have two iPads, one I keep downstairs with apps for our grandchildren, one upstairs in the bedroom with my jigsaw app and that is the one I use for the Macsite. It is the latter I use in bed and the one I can't always get signed in on. So, I read my Kindle now after doing my jigsaws as there are fewer posts now anyway and not as much fun to be had. I do agree, It would be great if more people started posting! 
    Well, that's enough from me! I'm off for a shower!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Oh Pet, Lucky you that the weather is lovely but too hot for me! It is meant to be Spring here but we've had rain, hail & snow with ground frost in the mornings as it has been -4 overnight! Brrrr!

    Thats me had my shower and I had a hot chocolate afterwards. That sounds too much for you to loose, so cakes should be on the menu today (Wednesday). It doesn't matter how little I eat, I never loose weight!

    It is the Spring school holidays here, so our grandson is spending the day with us later. We are going to do some baking that he can take to his other grandparents when he visits them in NI on Friday for the week! He just loves cooking and watched Masterchef Australia on TV with me as it is so much better than the UK version! Did you watch it?

    Now heading upstairs to do my jigsaws and then read for a while. I've read dozens of books since my diagnosis, at least that's one thing I can do!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Yes i saw Masterchef and....Easter Monday start's a new one!!!!! Well i did put nearly 20 kg on in the last two years or so...still don't tell i only had 44 kg then after loosing some i'm back to 60. Still feel fett lol but that's just me. All my family are like that, Mum had 51 kg , sister 49 ..and lalalala we can eat what we want. Slight smile