Poshness due to education.

  • 66 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Now in an earlier thread I accused our multi talented friend Rainieday of poshness. Only banter of course.

( although I am sure she is)

She blamed her grammar school education. I went to a grammar school but listening to my mangled syntax and diction no one could ever accuse me of poshness.I

Ellie73 also accuses me of being posh on the basis that we shop in Waitrose, but I think that's more acceptable than shoplifting in Aldi. (Not making suggestions here, just saying)

There seems to be a fancy on here to judge.

Now, knowing me as some of you do, possibly based on my posts, would you invite me to lunch with your best friend in daylight or would the very idea make you feel sick?

Don't be polite, don't beat around the bush, say what you think. ( as long as it won't upset me, I am a bit fragile)

  • We also got a detention for not wearing our hats and we all turned our skirts over at the waist. Happy days.

    i liked  the doffing of caps nice memories 


  • Yes Ruth we did the same but for some reason had to wear white socks till 3rd year seniors and gray school knickers for P.E. with a tiny lilac P.E. skirt. Those were Happy school days and I never realised that till I left .

  • Ease off the descriptions ladies. Remember I am no longer on the female hormones!

  • It’s fun to remember the old days x


  • My memories of girls grammar school echo some on here. I was a studious child, but hated school mainly. Our headmistress was about 4 foot 6 tall but absolutely terrifying - bit like a gorgon in terms of her stare which could land on you for a minor infringement of uniform or behaviour. She was still alive and terrifying her bridge playing group well into her 90s I hear.

    I was from a working class family ( maybe even underclass looking back) , but the education from school, as well as some influence from other family members, led me to be the first to University in my immediate family. Over the years I guess I became middle class ( although I still shop in Lidl!) but I prefer to hold onto my roots, and continue to be a class warrior whenever I can. So posh no, educated, articulate, waspish ( at times), interested, those I claim and can say school helped to nurture. Is that bragging?

    Reminds me of the time I was at a conference and in one of the workshops we had to put 3 words on a badge, which we felt were appropriate to describe us. I forgot to take mine off at lunch, and so everyone who spoke to me was looking at a badge that said " intelligent, loyal, humourous". No one said a word.

  • You still influence my everyday life. Just come back from Waitrose and had to walk past the Kitkats, I am so sick of chocolate buttons! I suppose at least I have a clear conscience, thanks OBS.

  • What so I can call myself an influencer ? Not making loads  dosh though.


  • I can always be led by the nose.

  • By anything and anyone. The last person to speak to me gives me my opinion. It's easier than having my own!