Poshness due to education.

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  • 49 subscribers

Now in an earlier thread I accused our multi talented friend Rainieday of poshness. Only banter of course.

( although I am sure she is)

She blamed her grammar school education. I went to a grammar school but listening to my mangled syntax and diction no one could ever accuse me of poshness.I

Ellie73 also accuses me of being posh on the basis that we shop in Waitrose, but I think that's more acceptable than shoplifting in Aldi. (Not making suggestions here, just saying)

There seems to be a fancy on here to judge.

Now, knowing me as some of you do, possibly based on my posts, would you invite me to lunch with your best friend in daylight or would the very idea make you feel sick?

Don't be polite, don't beat around the bush, say what you think. ( as long as it won't upset me, I am a bit fragile)

  • I would invite anyone to lunch once and base a second invite on the first lunch.  A few years ago at a wedding far away from home we all arrived the night before and the rowdies were sat in the beer garden telling rude jokes and stories when the god parents of the bride who knew very few people were brought over by the bride to be. We were asked to look after them and an old couple with BBC English accents settled on a bench around the table.

    conversation was muted with lots of gaps.   The godfather said “ I was told it was all laughs and jokes out here anyone mind if one joins in”. 15 minutes later I knew several new grown up jokes, had tears in my eyes and my sides hurt from laughing.

    never judge a book by its cover

    ps his wife’s limerick had one person literally fall of their bench laughing 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • That Richard, is a funny anecdote.

    I was only asking this ridiculous question to cause some controversy, you know me!

    I don't want to tax anyone's brains, just entertaining myself.

    You relax before they start putting holes in you again!

    Best always..

  • It was hilarious and we are still in touch with them a few years on. The still talk posh and tell fantastic jokes


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • I am sure many of us would happily invite you for lunch, at least once anyway.

    I have a friend who is a psychotherapist of many years, and she has absolutely no filter. I am fine with it, but I often wonder what the people around us make of it- no subject is off limits, and after 30 years of hearing people's troubles myself, there is little which shocks me but that is not true of many people who live in nice comfortable bubbles. But I have always liked the saying ( applied to the C of E) that  we need to comfort the distressed and distress the comfortable.

    Not shocking, but funny was the time we were sitting in a lovely garden tearoom, on a weekday surrounded by many people of a certain age. She was on the phone to her son and said " we are at ......, and it is full of old people". When she came off the phone, I pointed out that we were older people too, just to ensure the poisonous looks were aimed at her not me!

  • Of course everyone would invite me for lunch, I was just playing devils advocate.

    I have a vast circle of friends, probably more than three, who else could say that?

  • Aren't you supposed to be a Purley Grammar Old Boy? Faith & Country is it? Something must have rubbed off after being there. I've often wondered what constitutes 'posh'? I don't think that shopping at Waitrose cuts it. I do shop at Waitrose, but also Tesco and very occasionally Sainsburys. But that's because no single outlet has everything we want. Waitrose though is nicer by far.

    I would be happy to cook you a nice lunch, but you'd have to do a Covid test before you turned up. Daylight would be essential. Would you be carrying a copy of The Telegraph for identification purposes?

    Rainie x

  • Well I didn't realise that Fas et Patria would give you such an insight into my life.

    we were told on the first day we would be captain's of industry and go to Oxbridge. It must have taken more than five years to work out what Oxbridge was.

    needless to say I let the headmaster down. All those mortar boards and capes quite did for me!

    how very descriptive and accurate your assassination of Morrison's shoppers. I don't mind what they wear but I would be frightened.

    now you know I take the mail just to offend OBS and I don't eat Kitkats so as not to offend OBS. My life is So messed up.

    Just tested as we were still a bit sickly, both negative, I will keep the result and show you whilst nibbling your hors doevres!

    Latin is a language as dead as dead can be, it killed the poor old Romans and now it's killing me.

    How much did my education cost for that to be the son of my knowledge ?

  • Hey Ted, you want to ask for a rebate of fees, they didn't teach you where and where not to put an apostrophe, lol. Probably teaching too much Latin! I didn't study Latin but I'm guessing that there are no apostrophes in Latin. Pity, I would have liked to study Latin as I'm quite fond of learning languages. I studied French and German in the grammar stream of our secondary school, went on to delve into Spanish, Japanese and Russian at night class and then went on to study French and Spanish with the Open University. What a pity that English has the apostrophe, why, when other languages can manage very well without.

    Oh, I was born in Belfast but I'm happy to say that I don't speak with a broad Belfast dialogue. I have a more polished Northern Ireland accent. Or, as they say here, a Norn Iron accent. Haven't seen much of the film Belfast but there's no one growing up in working class Belfast talks about their "pa". They say me (rhymes with 'the') ma and me da, as I did!

    Take care and stay safe Ted

    Tvman Smiley

    Love life and family.
  • Nope can’t say there is an ounce of poshness in me, I’m more like Pam Ayres than lady Mary. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

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