Great holiday but now in hospital

  • 14 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Oh the highs and lows of cancer

had a fabulous holiday then my back and legs started playing up and now I’m back in hospital awaiting blood results and scans to see if the tumour has grown and is back leaning on my spinal cord.

good tan peeling skin totally pi**ed off

really hope it’s not the tumour and my stable Mable club membership hasn’t been suspended 

  • You had a great holiday, nothing you did then affected your health. You will be back in the club.

  • Oh Remoh so sorry to hear your back in hospital.  Your place is still in stable  mable club. Glad you had a good holiday . Hope your home soon sending good vibes to you and your family Heart

  • Anyway, you are the chairman. You not back the door stays locked!

  • Crossing my fingers for good results...hope you feel better soon!!! We want you to keep in our club, please!

  • I am so sorry to hear that. I am thinking it may just be the fact you have been on a flight! That always gives me a sore back, so I hope with rest, it will sort itself out and your results are good news! It's great you had a good holiday, so hope this is just a blip and you will be home soon!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thanks all. Currently on steroids just in case tumour is near spinal cord. Had blood tests no sign of results of course. Awaiting Ct scan and docs trying to decide if I can have an MRI  due to all the metal I have in me


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Fingers crossed it will be nothing and you stay in the club. Really pleased you had a good holiday .


  • Aw man, not what you want after such a great time. I'm so sorry to hear that you have had to go back into hospital. Let's hope it is something as simple as a problem caused by the flight home. 

    So why are the docs deliberating on getting you an MRI scan? (Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a type of scan that uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to...) Are they worried that you might suddenly become stuck to the machine once it's switched on ha ha? Seriously though, we still want you to still be a member of the stable mable club.

    Take care  and stay safe


    Love life and family.
  • Hope you get sorted out soon huge hugs xx

  • They do keep you hanging about don’t they.

    good luck for good results x
