St Patrick's Day

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  • 44 subscribers

Hi everyone, Happy St Patrick’s Day to you all. Below is a photo of Mrs Tvman’s Guinness buns that she makes every year and they are deelish Smiley
Take care and stay safe everyone
Tvman xx
PS the site was supposed to be off from 7am to 10amno today but it is 1pm now and it’s still off!


  • They look lovely, we are having gammon with boiled tatties and stir fried cabbage for tea tonight in honour of the day. I know that stir fried cabbage isn't traditional. We'll also be having an Irish coffee cocktail.

    Happy St Patrick's Day to everyone Green heart


  • Sal there is an Irish dish called colcannon made with mashed potatoes, shredded spring cabbage (cooked) and chopped scallions (what we call spring onions) all mixed together and then a generous lump of butter beat in and cream too if you so desire. Possibly not the most healthy dish in one's diet.

    Between that and champ which is made more often as well as the Ulster fry, no wonder that we in Northern Ireland had one of the highest heart disease rates in the world. I rarely have a fry now, maybe once every six months to a year and afterwards I feel so so guilty. 

    Take care and stay safe Sal

    Tvman xx

    PS I love an Irish coffee

    Love life and family.
  • Sorry but i have to they taste like beer???

  • They look lovely. Hope you had a good St Patrick’s day.

    we are in Bude in Cornwall with all the family and dogs. Pictures to follow when we get back. 
    lovely walks in the sunshine on the beach xx


  • Sounds like an ideal break and you deserve it Ruth

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Sorry Pet but they don't, just rich and creamy Smiley 

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Tvman, A belated Happy St Patrick's Day to everyone, to be sure to be sure! I couldn't get signed in! Mrs T's buns or cupcakes look lovely. I have never heard of Guinness Buns, she could make them in place of Hot Cross Buns too maybe.

    Ruth, that sounds lovely. When I first read your post, I thought it said Bute, not Bude and thought you were in Scotland! Cornwall is lovely. We went there twice when we lived in Leighton Buzzard and the beaches are great. I hope the weather has been kind and heated up for you. We have had some lovely blue sky days with sunshine but at night we still have severe overnight frosts. Not long to wait now until the lighter nights start, I love them! Keep well and enjoy your walkers and lunches!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thank you Annette, I've never said to be sure to be sure in my lifetime lol. Oops, I think I have but only in jest. I remember that many moons ago I said something to you that's typically Scottish and you said that you have never said that before either. I wish I could remember but my memory isn't what it used to be, to be sure lol. 

    Mrs Tvman and I were coming home last night around 7pm.after an afternoon at a garden centre just outside Donaghadee where the series Hope Street is filmed. We also went into the town and had fish and chips sitting in the car just opposite the pub that's used for a lot of filming. We haven't done that for a few years. To our left was a beautiful view of the harbour and out to sea, next land is Scotland. Well, as I say we were heading home and to our left, just before we turned right to go down our road was a stunning view of the moon, just above the horizon. It was so large, orange and misty and absolutely beautiful. It seemed that we could reach out and almost touch it. I wonder what early man must have thought, no wonder there have been many myths and legends passed down through the centuries. 

    Enjoy your beautiful weather, your neck of the woods is forecast to be the warmest in the UK today.

    Take care and stay safe Annette

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • We would have had colcannon, but had neglected to buy the scallions. Mr Salis' parents were from Dublin and Skerries so he grew up eating colcannon


  • we had a lovely 3 days in Bude in the sunshine with all the dogs. I included a pub lunch photo for Ted xxx
