"Bless you"

  • 22 replies
  • 48 subscribers

The number of NHS staff that have said that to  me over the last few weeks is infuriating - phlebotomist, nurses, radiographers etc. I know they mean to be kind, but it just emphasises to me that they probably see me as an old lady to be pitied - and I am not someone who needs it. Am  I just ungrateful old cow?

  • Absolutely not!  I totally hear you.  

    I have also detected a trend for people to regard our club as permission to ask intimate questions eg "how are you emotionally?" and the support nurse in the room on diagnosis, as if waiting for the breakdown.  

    We are all different.  Some people appreciate it and it's essential support.  I suppose the challenge is to make sure our club are aware support is made available and to do it in a neutral way.  

    But I don't generally get it in the way you describe, from NHS "daily" staff.  They're the best.  They just treat me the same as someone with any other minor ailment, as it should be.  

  • I've not had it recently, but yes, generally it bugs me as well. I'd like to be a bolshy ungrateful old cow, but I tend to smile and say thank you. 


  • No your not ! I tend to say "may god go with you" and smile or Wink Happy ha. My thing is oh how are you? I reply still here. How are you looks like you'll have a busy one. I don't like sympathy!  ThinkingBlush

  • Hi ownedbystaffies if someone treats me like that I look behind me, then back at the person speaking, then say ho your speaking to me, I thought you were talking to some frail old person behind me

  • I’ve noticed this too. I’d never heard any health worker or NHS staff say it before, but since diagnosis a few months ago they all seem to say it. It feels a bit patronising, I guess they just don’t know what to say and pity me. 

    There are other things people frequently do and say which annoy me even more - I’d like to rant, but feel it wouldn’t be well received, everyone is always telling us to “be positive” after all… But if people are open to such a rant I’d happily participate!

  • Please rant Florence. I hate being told to be positive, take it one day at a time and other homilies. 

  • Go Florence have a good rant, we all need one every now and them ThumbsupHeart

  • We receive all rants with gratitude. The positive thinking movement gets its way too often. So go ahead, please.

  • But you look so well! Another classic!

  • Yes ! I get that all the time, but I must admit I do look well ha ha Joy