Change of medication

  • 8 replies
  • 43 subscribers

After about 5 days of choking on water trying to wash down caplets of co-codamol and some other medications,I gave in and phoned my GP on Tuesday. She arranged for me to see her in the afternoon. She gave me a prescription for Oramorph, liquid digoxin, soluble dexamethasone, and lansoprazole that dissolves on the tongue. It's taken away from the dread of knowing that the tablets were going to give me a choking fit, it was like trying to clear elastic bands from my lungs Lol. So it's been a relief not to suffer from the choking although I'm not overly impressed with the Oramorph for the pain relief. I was taking co-codamol 30/500mg 2 in the morning and at night time, I tried 2.5 ml of Oramorph in the morning and had to take 5 ml a couple of hours later then 4 hours later as per the guidance. Hopefully things will improve over the next few days once I get used to the Oramorph and being back on  2×2 mg Dexamethasone kick in. I'm having difficulty swallowing food and hope the Dexamethasone might reduce inflammation of my throat and I can eat more and I get some energy back. I've certainly felt drowsy with the Oramorph and I hope that clears up as I certainly wouldn't drive if feeling like this. I have a follow up appointment next Tuesday and will get the results of a blood test the Dr took and she wants to see how I am doing. I'm going to ask if I would be considered for having a stent fitted to make eating easier as I have been losing weight. I need to get my energy level back up since I have persuaded my wife to let me saw a dead tree down with my chainsaw. It's the only thing on my bucket list. Sorry for the whinging, I needed to get it off my chest. Kind regards Frank.

  • Need a before and after picture of the tree, in due course, please!  

    Seriously though, hope you get on better with the liquid medication.  I tried peptac liquid when omazoprale tablets wasn't working for me.  I hated it!  I hated the taste.  I had to force myself to take it, occasionally, lol, so it was also destined for failure.  I also hated the fact it was a liquid because it reminded me of giving the kids calpol.    

    What's on your bucket list once you've done the tree?  

    Claire xx

  • Not nice not being able to swallow definitely fluids only or soft food sounds like you are doing all the right things. Short term goals are good. I am going to keep going to see my first grandchild in June 

    I am also losing weight but I can eat small amounts and drink alcohol at the pub.

    Best wishes 



  • Hi Frank,

    Could you ask your GP to try liquid/dissolvable paracetamol and take it with the oramorph? That would be like having part of the co-codamols with another opiate. The one might make the other more efficient - 'symbiotic' I think it's called. Worth trying I would think. I had this combo in hospital for a while for post-operative pain - which was pretty bad - and it seemed to work for that.  Best wishes,  Rainie x

  • Hi Rainie, thanks for your idea about the paracetamol, I do remember being on paracetamol and dihydrocodeine in hospital. I will ask my GP on Tuesday about the paracetamol. I've been taking 1×5ml spoonful of Oramorph about 4-5 hours apart, I had to take one at 6:00am this morning. So I might try 7.5 ml at bedtime tonight then back to 5 ml every 4-5 hours. I'm trying to avoid getting addicted to it. I did feel a wee bit better today. Thanks again, kind regards Frank.

  • Hi Ruth, I'm glad you are able to eat small amounts and get to the pub for a drink and socialize. Definitely keep going to see your first grandchild, it's good to have something to aim for. If I have to blend or liquidise some of my food then so be it. Kind regards Frank.

  • Hi Claire, I do intend to get a friend to take before and after pictures of the tree felling. I might have to wait until the weather is better and I am feeling better. I do feel that the liquid meds have helped me, I don't dread having to take them because so far no choking fits. I think after the tree felling I shall retire Lol. Kind regards Frank.

  • I take oramorph and zomorph. When I take it I take 5-10ml it will be good to take more at bedtime. I wouldn’t worry about being addicted if you take it regularly you will be and just have to reduce slowly if you need to xxx


  • Thanks for your reply Ruth, I had a phone call from a Marie Curie nurse today and I told her about the situation and change in my meds. I told her I am seeing my GP on Tuesday, she said that she would email her to suggest that I got pain medication that lasts longer than 4-5 hours. I told her I was taking 5ml of Oramorph about 4 times a day. Yes I realized that there is a good chance of becoming addicted so have been trying to limit it although last night I took 7.5ml before bedtime and that lasted until about 10:00am. I'll let you know how I get on at the GP on Tuesday. Thanks again, kind regards Frank.