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I am a hugely organised person and want to be prepared, for when I’m gone, to help my family and make it easier for them. 
I’ve done a will, leaves everything (including the 80% share of my house that I own with his dad), to my son. 

Is it ok to leave my husband, friends and family some bits, or should this all go to my son first? I know my son wouldn’t mind or really care if I did, but wondering what the correct way to do it, is?

Or could I give them things before I go anywhere, maybe?

What else should I prepare for, I don’t want to plan my funeral as this would really upset my husband and family, but I have written my wishes etc in a book. 

Thank you 

Can’t believe I’m even having to have this conversation, Disappointed 

Jane xxx 

  • I have to say my husband and i went and got out funerals quiet a few years ago, was the best thing we had done, it saved our children having to go threw the process, and we both got to pick what we wanted, and have to say we really did laugh.

    I lost my husband, so the plan was there, one phone call at 10pm  and that was all i had to do, every thing was taken care of, so  pleased that part was made easy, so when its my turn, all the kids have to do is a phone call.

    Take Care Ellie x

  • Hi Jane,

    Like ellie, we've also done our wills and have funeral plans in place. Even though my daughter is a Funeral Director she still advised us to get it sorted in advance as the costs of the process never go down and it just made sense to get everything done. She knows everything I want, including the music and it's all in a folder ready for when it's needed. Having done it, I no longer have to think about it.

    I think it's perfectly reasonable to list what you want to go to whom. My solicitor advised I write a 'Letter of Wishes' which is lodged with my will and covers my intentions in detail.

    I wasn't sure of the age of your son. Some people with younger children buy clothes etc. for them to grow into to make it easier if their partner isn't used to doing this side of things. I know somebody who did this and it gave her huge comfort in preparing the way for her kids, writing to them so they had letters and cards to open over a period of time. That wouldn't suit everybody, but she felt it appropriate.

    I know when I got my news, you may laugh, but I went and ordered shirts, new socks, pants and woolies etc. for my husband. He hates shopping and finds it very arduous and stressful, so it made me feel better doing that.

    I too am a very organised person most of the time.  

    Rainie x

  • Yes I have made a will and left lump sums to my children but the rest and the house will all go to my husband. They will get it in the end when he dies.

    Both our wills leave everything to our 2 children not sure about the dog but they will look after him xxx


  • . I’ve prepared a will. Take care of unintended consequences, leaving 80% of the house to your son could make you husband homeless in the worst scenario. You can leave life interests but best speak to a solicitor.  I leave everything to my wife, on the understanding that it’s to be protected for our children. Ie if she meets someone 

  • Hiya
    I'm just going through all this.  Just at the final stages of my Will now, and that's after I made it a priority at the end of Nov 2021!    A few factors I would share is:
    * Inheritance tax  
    * The seven year tax rule 
    * Power of Attorney 
    * Expression of Wish letters need to be signed, dated and witnessed.    Just learned this one today from my fab solicitor!  
    * Make sure any private pensions have beneficiaries named.  
    Good luck!